Chapter 21 - Shopping!

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I was woken up to a playfully man, purring out his German compliments. As he sat on me with the cover on him.

"Schön!" Strangelove smiled, giving me a kiss.

"Morning mister." I kissed back.

"That's doctor to you." He tapped my nose.

I let out a moan, placing my hands on his torso. Strangelove took my hands away. I didn't think he was the type to have morning sex, and neither of my last boyfriends were. Well Death fooled around but it didn't go that far. I don't think I'd have it if I just got up, I'm still half asleep most times. I pushed myself up, being close to his face, feeling him grow nervous as I lightly kissed him. Placing lots of little light kisses, he flinched moving away again. His eyes being the same ol sad feeling.

"Hmm, just thought you were gonna." I admitted.

"Shopping today, book store, maybe a daily shop. Not entirely to sure."

"I'm not gonna question how you do it." I put my hands up in defence.

"Danke Schön." He smiled slightly, moving off of me.

I trailed my finger down his spine, over the suit jacket. Rolling my eyes, he really didn't have to sleep in it. I slipped of the bed, fixing my hair, watching him head into the kitchen. Hearing a clink of bowls, American cereal for breakfast. Sitting down at the table, having a stretch across it. Cereal was honey flavoured, not my taste. Reminding me of Sugar Puffs at home. I don't mind them, but just with no milk.

"I-I can make it myself-" I took a bowl from him. "I'm fussy when it comes to cereals."

"Ladies shouldn't be fussy." Strangelove replied.

"Mmhmm." Pouring the stuff into the bowl, giving the box back to him.

Honey glazed flakes, no doubt shredded wheat, like Shreddies. I tasted one, being met with an over powered taste to honey, and sweetness. Just gulp this food down, don't even think of the adding milk. That'll make matters worse.

"It's not that pleasant, I'm gonna admit." I commented.

"There's nothing else."

"I know, I know, just gonna be expecting the stereotype again, of this beautiful country."

The doctor was quicker than I was. Well to be fair he had less of an portion than I, causing me to choke upon mine. Whilst getting changed and my shoes on.

"You're a punctual German?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Outrageous tongue! I have half a mind to cut it out sometimes!"

"That's mild Strangelove, I can do much worse." I smirked.

Eventually leaving the apartment, I noticed it had been raining. Puddles on the pavements, and little rivers going down the pockets by the curb. I earned more scolding from the man, as I couldn't help, but to not laugh as his wheels made tracks from the puddles. Passing the White House there was a insane amount of cars parked by, expensive taste to plain and regular. Till making it to the high street, and into the first store. The book store.

"Good morning Doctor." Greeted the Store Owner.

Strangelove didn't reply, just heading straight on. How rude, this time I stopped him.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now