Chapter 56 - Fires are hot, and burn!

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The future was a mistake! I was a mistake! I ran to the woods of the island, and screamed having another breakdown, falling to the ground, and began a huge sobbing mess. The woods was quiet I expected that it was close to the evening, nighttime evening. Though it was too quiet, not even a Terrible Terror scurried past. I sat up from the ground, resting my back against the tree, still sobbing from the second breakdown, watching the grass flow in the wind.

"You're pathetic, you know that? You actually do suffer from identify problems." This part was true, it just took me years to see it.

As I pulled my legs up to my chest, a dragon had walked by. A blue Gronckle to be exact, treaded carefully up to me, before sitting down. I reached out to stroke it's face, it was a tame dragon. Then lying down next to me.

"Eh you're comforting ones, suppose I'll tell you my woes, after all my own boyfriend doesn't seem to care about me." I sighed, and continued with the talk.

That was all I could remember of that day, as the Turgidson's headed back home from it. Strangelove voted we stay in the future till the next night. I wasn't in the mood, but I let him, I couldn't decide what I needed from him at this point. He stayed by my side as much as he could, but I pushed him away.


It wasn't until the next weekend things seems to have cleared up. The first Spring Dance was happening on the Sunday evening. Where Strangelove had asked me to go with him, I didn't see the point in it, if we were just going to sit there the entire evening. So I told him I'll just think about it, he seemed unimpressed at that. Perhaps he was effected by last weekend, or even the President has been asking him questions. I just laid on the bed thinking about my hectic week. College had only become more stressful, as they were introducing work experience into the class, but it was judgemental. Only the really spoilt kids got to go, and by that I meant the time wasters. I spent my time drumming my fingers on the table, drawing objects that were to pay my childhood self still being anxious about that.

I sighed. "It's like the Doctor said, I have to embrace the new self. My political views, my love for history, and my love for him." It seemed that adventures and dragons didn't have the time anymore.

For that some reason I had seemed to forget about that just like that, when I moved further down the country for...apparent adoptions reasons, shall we say, but why was I so effected that weekend? As remembering that flight accident with the result of killing Toothless over Russia. I was in despair those next days, but I wasn't envying those times.

"Perhaps it was low self esteem, you wanted to brag to others to make yourself feel good." Hannibal suggested.

"Pffft, like you know anything." Although that could even be a possibility, I went to ignore it.

I sat up on the bed, rubbing my neck before thinking about what to do today, knowing it was the Saturday. I had avoided Friday, to busy torturing my soul with Hellraiser films, repeating the same words over and over again.
'Can't believe I dated him, oh god how I miss him.'
Now I'm stuck with a strange German, who suffers from all sorts. I sighed once again, getting up to my feet, going to find that man of mine.

"Say isn't these the days you go shopping?" I asked Strangelove.

"Ha-that's uh...moved to Tuesday's." He stuttered in response, closing one of his non-fiction books.

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