Chapter 34 - The end is nigh, they used to say.

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Christmas was interesting, most people came back round to the White House. Strangelove left me by the Turgidson, which made me feel so overwhelmed, I just stayed to torture myself. By dinner he was yet to be seen. He was here, just somewhere in the building but yet so far away. Muffley kept asking me to many questions, I left the room from his grasp. Rude I know, it's the President but I couldn't. Surprisingly Turgidson left us alone, which I appreciated but didn't at the same time.

"Strangelove!" I called, finally finding him. "Stop running away from me!"

"I'm not running Schön." The doctor replied.

That wasn't funny at the current moment. I stopped him, causing him to panic, as I almost broke down crying, sitting down by him.

"What are you doing then?"


Ain't gonna get paid for it, and the moment, good distraction.

"Maybe I'll go home then. I don't know how much I can last with this." I sobbed, feeling the tears run down my face.

"Schön, why don't you just spend your time elsewhere. Away from me, you'll just become more worked up." The doctor placed his hand under my chin, making me look at him. "I can take care of myself."

"Yeah I know, but stop damaging yourself, stop leaving me. It's not how relationships are meant to be."

Strangelove sighed, patting my heads, before running his fingers through it. "I'll tell you something. That's not exactly pleasant."

I buried my head into the carpet, sobbing more. He was cruel, he really was. Telling me he left his wife by herself for most of the day on Christmas Day. By himself most times, but by his friends in the evening just drinking. She wasn't pregnant with his child yet, but it was still just to much. Moreover she tried to help him as well, big he said nothing to her, just lies on lies. To many to count, to many to remembering.

"How could you?!" I complained. "You don't even feel bad?"

"I do! I just don't show it. Schön listen the times were cruel, next year if we are still together or by year after year it'll still be the same. These two weeks can be the worst of my life. I don't think you can convince me any positivity."

He didn't want a hug from me, he pushed me back to the ground. Going to leave me by myself. I sat up by the way, having my breakdown.


Wiping the tears from my eyes, I went to find someone else, to hang around with. Finding the First Lady who is called Rachel, she was with her son Edgar, who was happy to see me.

"I believe Merkin is busy with the Servants at the moment."

"That's ok." I replied.

But the days from Christmas and to today with Tomorrow being New Years Eve. I just spent time with the Muffley's, there a nice family. Much to talk about if it ain't all work related. It was the second last day of the year, New Years Eve Eve. I found myself talking about the future, which I probably shouldn't of done. However they were interested in it.

"Too much to tell, the American politics are the worst." I slagged off Donald Trump, thinking to the riots in the streets.

Blood shed between Whites, Blacks, and Animals, as the new President was going to be a 'Cool Cat' they mocked. I was interested in him, one of these peace makers, but the Trump Pence weren't having it.

Our Pasts Should Not Effect Us (Dr Strangelove x Myself)Where stories live. Discover now