Chapter 54 - Flooded Gates

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Being returned to the ground, Frostbite looked up to the house, tilting his head, having to scratch his left ear. He carefully walked around to the depths of the garden, making sure I wouldn't fall off him.

From inside the house, Muffley stepped away from the window, taking a gulp of his alcoholic substance. Taking the chance to ask his Scientist about the creature they had both been viewing.

"Do you know anything about it?"
The President asked.

"Good God! Nein! But I'll ask Schön when she comes back round."

"I think she's with that thing that's wandered off into the garden."

"Mr President! I-"

Muffley looked at him, understanding what Strangelove had asked for. After all he was limited to going places, the President didn't mind. He needed to get out for a bit, he told Strangelove he was more than welcome to help himself to any of the drinks in the room. Though the Doctor just lit another cigarette.

President Muffley gave a nod, exiting the room. Having his hands on his hips, passing his servant. Muffley refused to speak to him. Getting out to the stone balcony, over looking the garden. He noticed the flowers had been ripped out of their heads. He sighed, not being much of a garden interest, it still made him a little sad. Muffley came across the foot prints of the creature, following them, noticing they were rather strange.

"Hello! Where are you?!" Muffley called, turning the corner round the bushes. "Oh my-"

The white dragon looked up, being unamused he shook his head, giving me a nudge. I moaned, opening my eyes, and giving a yawn. Noticing the President standing there. I tapped Frostbite by his neck, standing up to my feet. I'm aware both the President and Dr Strangelove can see the Night Fury, unlike the rest of the people.

"Mr President, Frostbite, and vice versa."

Frostbite snorted out, getting up to his feet as well, coming round behind me. Having his wits around him.

"I'll explain it all, when we get back to the house, but right now I need him to explain why he's here." I said.

The President was a little still to stunned, but managed to get this thoughts together, walking with us back to his house, having to look at Frostbite who glared at him. I warned him to keep his cool, that we will be returning home soon. Another scoff at my remark.

Coming into the mansion, the dragon jumped at the unusual texture of the floor. Carpet. Sniffing it out being cautious and all, almost knocking a vase of a table, the President caught it waiting for the dragon to pass.

"Easy boy, easy." I kept soothing, leading him to the drawing room.

Big dragon, small houses, Frostbite tucked in his wings in far to get through the door. Probably should of stayed outside at the room wasn't that all big for him. Well floor space wise, Strangelove choked on his cigarette, immediately stumping it out in the ash tray.

"Jesus shit! What is that?!" Strangelove shouted, moving back from the dragon.

I chuckled lightly. "Strangelove! Stop moving!" Going to standing in his pathway.

He still had to tense up, as Frostbite went to sniff at his feet first before coming up to his face.

"There's something off about this human..." Frostbite censored. "And he smells of you? You're mates aren't you?"

"In dragon terms use, but in human terms we are together. Right Strangelove?" I tousled his hair, giving him a kiss to the side of his face.

Frostbite backed off, the dragon wasn't that all for the soppy nonsense, but I'll tell you he's had a few mates of his own back in the days. Which makes me wonder what happened to the Alien dragon that we had?

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