The lawyer's appointment

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"Welcome, welcome, please, take a seat" he says first and I let Namjoon and Taehyung lead me to a chair after making me let go of Yoongi's hand, which earns me a small pout as they again, take a seat each by my sides. The others sit around, but Jin and Jimin take the two chairs right behind me. Waffle stays right in front of me, his head a big higher than my knees and my hands quickly find a place in his fur.

"I'll present myself, Chae Hyungwon, Lawyer for secret circumstances, which seems to be your case, as I have read on the rapport. I'm taking it miss L/N here is you?" he says while looking at me, a soft smile grazing his lips in an attempt to appear less dangerous to my eyes, which he seems to be reading very well. I feel like trying to hide here won't serve me well.

I nod, my heart beating way too fast, until I feel Jimin and Jin's hands on my shoulders, the same calming feeling washing over me again, but twice the amount. Jin doesn't need to touch, since his ability is to control the mood ambiance, but it brings relief nonetheless. Their hands stay there and I try to make them feel my gratitude through the bond, which earns me a small rub of the thumbs before I put my attention back on the man in front of us.

"Alright, I can see you're nervous, we'll go one thing at a time, okay? So, I see here that your ability is quite rare indeed, Photographic life transfer, the government does indeed have a tight hold on people like you and sadly, you're about the only one I know of at the moment here in Korea. Most people hide this ability by fear, but you use it for a Gallery that you own, people's reactions don't scare you?" he says before ending with a question, his eyes still looking at the papers in front of him, but clearly expecting an answer from me.

"They don't, no. I've more often experienced wonderful smiles when giving them a moving picture than I've had scowls, even if they have happened. I think it would be selfish of me to keep this ability hidden if it can bring happiness to so many people" I respond, voice wavering. I clear my throat, I need to be more at ease, sure of myself.

He hums, taking notes on a notebook and I wait for his next words. But silence is what greets my ears for the many next minutes as he keeps taking notes and reading over papers. I'm glad for Jimin's ability that allows him to directly send me his feelings through touch, because right now I would be a mess. I stroke Waffle's head, glad for his fluffy fluff that absorbs my fingers in a world of softness and Taehyung's chuckles bring a blush to my cheeks.

"Okay. This is indeed a difficult situation. It states here that you have frequent memories of old cases, all of them bringing to death at some point, can you elaborate?" he eventually asks, bringing me out of my world and my hands grip Waffle's hair softly.

Namjoon goes to answer for me when he senses my discomfort but the man shakes his head. "I need to hear it from her". Namjoon sighs and I look up from my big puppy to look at the lawyer.

"Sir, first, I would need to know how much you know about... what I must do with my ability for the government" I ask, trying to be as respectful as possible, because I do not want to cause problems. He nods and props his elbows on his desk.

"Memory Initiative. M.I. for short. They focus on a big range of crimes, but consist more of very particular and mostly important crimes that they need to figure out as fast as possible with the help of people with Photographic life transfer. They make them sign a contract at a young age, which often results in them being abused for the 'greater good', said in their words. They will at some point call for a session, but most of them, I would say look like torture to me. The contracted may not refuse a session, for they might be dragged by force and the 'torture' would be even worse. They don't treat them with respect, but more like objects. It sadly has brought many to their death worldwide because they couldn't handle the weight of the job, or they simply weren't brought back to life fast enough. Is that enough knowledge for you, miss L/N?".

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