Twenty Seven: Under the Stars

Start from the beginning

"What's the occasion?" Isabelle questioned, trying to figure out if she had forgotten something. Her birthday had already passed a few weeks ago, and his wasn't until November. Percy's birthday had also just passed, and she tried writing him a letter but didn't get a response.

Bill shrugged as he took a bite of his food. "No occasion. I just thought it would be nice to go out for a bit, just the two of us."

"I would love that," Isabelle smiled.

As they were finishing eating, they heard a tap on the nearby kitchen window and saw an owl that neither of them recognized. Isabelle stood and let the owl in, taking the letter that it was holding carefully.

"Who's that from?" Bill asked from where he was still sitting at the table.

"I don't know," Isabelle said, opening the letter. She skimmed over it quickly to find out the sender, and a smile grew on her face, replacing her look of confusion. "It's from Eleanor."

"The Hufflepuff girl you're always talking about?" Bill said.

Isabelle nodded, reading through the letter.

Miss Isabelle,

Look, I got my own owl! Mum and Dad surprised me with it when I got home from Hogwarts this summer. They said they thought it was safer than using school owls, whatever that means. I meant to write to you earlier but we went on a trip to visit my grandparents over the summer. I hope you're coming back to Hogwarts this year, I can't wait to tell you all about it.


P.S. Tell Bill I said hi!

Isabelle chuckled lightly as she finished reading the letter, her face containing a brighter smile than Bill had seen those last few weeks.

"What's it say?" Bill asked.

"She just wanted me to see her new owl. She also said to tell you hi," Isabelle said, finding some parchment and ink to write her back a quick letter.

"She knows about me?"

Isabelle nodded. "She may have convinced me to talk about you a time or two."

"I feel like I should be flattered. I can't believe you told your favorite student all about me," Bill joked.

Isabelle rolled her eyes with a soft laugh. "She's the sweetest kid, but I've got to be careful. She might have a bit of a crush on you."

"Wow I really am flattered," Bill said, touching his hand to his heart dramatically.

It always warmed Bill's heart to listen whenever Isabelle talked about students like Eleanor and how they came to her for just about everything, according to Ron and Hermione. He thought it was amazing how she got along with just about everyone she met, especially kids.

Isabelle shook her head at him and sent her letter off with Eleanor's owl, telling her thank you for writing to her and that Bill said hi back.

They cleaned up after dinner in no time at all. Isabelle decided to go upstairs and change into what she thought would be a little more comfortable for the beach, out of her jeans and into a very simple, loose dress that she hardly ever got the opportunity to wear.

Isabelle could've sworn she saw Bill's jaw practically hit the floor when she made her way back downstairs to where he had been waiting for her with a small bag in hand, the same one he had taken when they went to the lake, causing her to blush before he even said anything.

"You look beautiful," Bill smiled, taking her hand and squeezed it lightly. "Ready to go?"

"Just one second," Isabelle said. She reached up and pulled his hair out of the tie it was in, letting his hair fall to rest on his shoulders the way she liked it. "Now we can go."

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