The Last Day At PIC

Start from the beginning

He gets completely flummoxed when it comes to Noorur-rahman Adam. And now he's trying to find similarity with someone dear to him, just so he could be at ease with Noor and accept her personality without harshly judging her. Is that even important? Why her of all people?  His mind couldn't find anyone to be curious of, except that puzzle box of rudeness. This shouldn't have started. He grunts

The stars hung above them, as if strung in the air by invisible strings. There were lighter patches, clusters of faint and bold light, the constellations altered according to the time of year. These were the same stars that greeted the ancients, the same ones that would be there in more dacades to come. Under those magnificent creature, Mubin sat on a rock just outside the flat he shared with three other junior staffs. Raking through his thought, looking for the answers that aren't there.

"Are you sure, you're not getting too involved with that girl? Because all you ever do lately, is talk about Noorur-rahman Adam." His roommate's voice landed in his ears unexpectedly like plague. He glance at Anas and buckled up his surprise at his guess.

"I didn't say anything about her, did I?"

"No, you didn't. But the look on your face have a name, it screams Noorur-rahman." Anas placed the plastic chair he came with, in front of Mubin by the rock.

"Stop making assumptions, bro? This is the only look I have." Mubin pointed at his face dramatically.

"Yeah when you thought of her, that's the look." He laughs and Mubin grimaced. "You're somehow falling for that girl, Mubin." Anas declared, sucking the life out of his roommate with his assertation. Which he soon recovered, denying the claimd.

"That's barbaric, come on. It's crazy!" Mubin gets all defensive.

Anas laugh again, "we will see about that, bro. Just don't get into trouble."

"Your mind is getting twisted, I'm off to bed." Mubin said getting up from the rock. With that he brush up the matter, locking it somewhere at the back of his mind with a promise of 'never to open it.'


Six months later..

It's that time of the year and it couldn't have been any better for the SS3 students all around Nigeria. That day marked the end of their secondary school journey. If all wishes come true, they're done and dusted with their SSCE examinations. The students in Pinnacle International Collage have just wrote their final exam and each and everyone of them is excited. Noor too, though, being Noor isn't letting her rejoice with everyone. Everyone have their own way of celebrating their achievement. Might be Noorur-rahman will always have her way of doing things. 

"So this is going to be your last day in this school." Sergeant Mamman said with a smile. He's feeling accomplished too, Noor was going only bcause it's her time to leave. He have been weary of the girl being expel, thankfully that didn't happened and she's now a graduate of PIC. His heart is filled with joy for each and every students there, he knew in one way or the other he have contribute to their lives. And that's making a change, it does have to be huge and noticeable, it can also be those things people give less significance to.

"Yes, it's surreal." Noor laughed, it might be ironic, but Sergeant Mamman is one of the fewest people Noor respect and laugh with. The sergeant as everyone calls him, is an old security guard around the dormitory area and sometimes, he surveys the dinning area for more assurance. He's Noor's friend for a long, since she's a boarding student. So today being her last day as a student of that school. Noor decided to be with him instead of being with that crowd of crazy students, destroying each other's uniform.

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