Chapter 14: CA & WM Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"My family was killed in a bombing in Sokovia and my brother and I were the only survivors. The weapons were manufactured by Stark Industries... My brother and I wanted revenge on Stark but ended up joining him and the other Avengers when we realized we were on the wrong side, and my brother died in battle. Before all this happened, Sokovia was in conflict and we wanted to help, so we agreed to subject to experiments under the eye of Baron von Strucker, and as a result, we got powers."

"Wow... was there something specific that they used that really contributed to your powers? Like some kind of glowy thing?" I inquire.

"Actually, yes. There was this scepter. I think it belonged to Thor's brother, Loki, the guy who attacked New York a few years before I joined the team."

"A scepter," I whisper to myself. I stay silent as I get lost in thought until Wanda asks me if a similar object was used on me, to which I answer, "not a scepter but I guess it's kind of similar. There was this glowing white sphere, I mean, numerous experiments were performed on me but the sphere was the main thing that was used."

Wanda nods and shoots me an understanding expression. "I'm sorry you went through that."

"Don't be. It's all in the past," I smile softly at her. My smile falls when I think of another question. "Wait, you said you agreed to be experimented on. Who was this Strucker guy working for?"

Wanda opens her mouth to speak but Steve beats her to it, "HYDRA."

"HYDRA?" I repeat. Why does that name sound so familiar?

Steve nods and explains, "HYDRA was an old organization bent on world domination. In the 40s, they were the Nazis' science division, led by Johann Schmidt, until they broke away so Schmidt could chase his own dream of conquering the world... I thought I defeated them in '45 but as it turns out, they had been growing inside SHIELD for decades, which is why it shut down."

I lean my back against the wall behind me, processing everything Cap just said. The words "HYDRA" and "world domination" stood out to me the most, but why?

"Who are you?"

"Relax... we're not here to hurt you, unless we have to. We just want to talk."

"I've been watching you. I know what you can do. You'd make a perfect asset to our cause."

Hundreds of images flash through my mind, faster than the speed of light.

"So you're after world domination... I think I'll pass."

"You misunderstand. We're not giving you a choice."

Images of necks snapping and a man collapsing with bloody eyes run through my mind. I can feel the plane rock as it falls out of the sky.

"What are you doing?!"

"Hail HYDRA."

"I'm so sorry, love."

The last thing I remember is hitting the earth and nothing beyond that. I gasp as I realize what just went through my head. Oh my gosh.

"They were there," I state.

"What?" questions a puzzled Steve.

"HYDRA," I say, meeting his eyes. "They were there. On the plane."

Steve and Wanda exchange looks before focusing on me. "The one you were on?" he asks. I nod vigorously.

"I remember everything. I was never able to before but now I know exactly what went down."

"What happened?" Wanda asks me.

"It was a set up. There were only a few passengers and flight attendants on board and they were all HYDRA. They wanted to recruit me- no. They wanted to force me to join them. They knew about my powers, they had been watching me. I fought them off but then the plane started falling out of nowhere. There was a man in the pilot's cockpit messing with the dashboard. The last thing he said when I confronted him was 'hail HYDRA' and then we hit the ice." I switch my gaze between the two heroes, who both wore surprised facial expressions.

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