Chapter 13: Captain America & Wanda Maximoff

Start from the beginning

I feel a warmth spread through my chest at his words. Tony is willing to set his differences with Steve aside for me. That is so sweet. I look away from Steve and stare at Wanda. I've heard a great deal about her, her powers are very similar to mine. Maybe she can teach me more about them.

"So they're just here to talk to me?"

"Well, yeah but we can do some training if you're up for it," Steve answers.

My eyes widen in astonishment and I look at Wanda, who gives me a soft smile and a small nod. This is unbelievable, how is this happening right now? "S-sure, yeah. I'm definitely up for that."

Tony escorts us to the training room. I hadn't been inside here yet, so I look around the room, amazed by how nice it is. I notice Steve and Wanda doing the same thing. It must be weird to be back here, especially since they're considered criminals now.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. I got some errands to run anyway so," Tony trails off.

"Tony," I call out before he exits the room. He turns around, waiting for me to talk. "Thank you," I utter.

He presses his lips together, smiling fondly and nods. He looks behind me and I turn to see who he's looking at. Steve is looking back at Tony and he gives him a firm nod. Tony nods back and Cap walks up to him.

"It's good to see you, Tony."

"You too, Cap."

With that, Tony leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Steve turns around to face Wanda and I. "So... you ready to start?"

I nod and he leads me to a punching bag. "Do you know how to punch?"

"Uh, I don't know. I've never needed to hit anyone, I've always relied on my powers."

"Tony told us what you can do. It's impressive but it's not always gonna be enough." He walks behind the punching bag and holds onto it. "You need to learn to fight with more than just your powers."

I nod in understanding. It makes sense, I know of the villains the Avengers have faced. They all had various skill sets, including combat, so it would make sense for me to learn how to fight combat for when I can't use my powers. Still holding the punching bag, Steve slightly pushes it forward, gesturing for me to punch it. I ball up my fists and get ready to punch, until a voice stops me.

"Wait," Wanda interjects. We turn our heads to look at her, confused.

"Why don't you show us your abilities first?" she suggests. Steve gives her a look that says: really?

Wanda speaks again, "I just think it'd be helpful to see the extent of her capabilities so we know how to properly train her."

Steve nods and moves away from the punching bag. "Let's see what you got," he voices as he goes to stand next to Wanda. I remain standing there with both hands at my sides, not knowing what to do exactly. I'm standing in front of the iconic Captain America and Wanda Maximoff, of course my brain is scrambled right now. Wanda notices my confusion and begins to instruct me.

"Form a ball like this," she says, doing it herself. "Then fire it at that punching bag."

I back up to create distance between the bag and I and glance at Wanda and Steve, who both encourage me with a small nod. I turn back and focus on the punching bag, feeling the energy surge through my hands as I create a purple sphere. I take in a breath before blasting it at the bag, sending it flying back with full force. It smacks against the wall with a loud thud. I smirk, glad that I didn't mess that up, and look over at the two superheroes. Wanda smiles proudly and looks up at Steve.

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