And Jungkook's face turned a bit pink, because he had thought those kinds of things. "I'm glad you're so friendly. It made my curiosities worth it."

"Aw thank you," Jimin beams. "You're so easy to talk to, as if we were already friends."

"Well if we were friends I would know your name," Jungkook says a bit passively, hoping the guy would get the hint.

"Oh! It's Jimin," He extends his hand. "What's your name?"

"I'm Jungkook," He shakes it. "It's so nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends."

"Oh this won't be a one-time thing?" Jungkook may have just imagined it, but Jimin almost seemed to brighten when he said that.

"Not unless you never wanna see me again, which if that's the case I can respect."

"That's not the case at all!" Jimin assured. "I'd love to become friends. "We'll be the unlikely pair; the ferry boat captain and the guy who dresses in a 1950's ice cream parlor outfit!"

Jungkook laughs. "I love that. I've known you less than ten minutes and we're already an unlikely pair."

"Why of course," Jimin jokes. "We already get along, we're destined for greatness."

"Well then great we will be," Jungkook's smile was so wide. He already liked Jimin before he even spoke to him.

Now his heart was swelling in the best way.


"Hey, wanna do something fun?"

"Even more fun than talking to you?" Jimin chuckles. "Is that even possible on this boat?"

"Stop," Jungkook pushed him, a shy smile on his face. "I was wondering if you wanted to go up to the cockpit, where we drive the ferry."

"Really?" Jimin's eyes widened. "I'm allowed up there?"

"No usually, but you're proven yourself trustworthy these past two weeks," Jungkook looks at him. "I don't think they'll fire me if I bring my friend up."

"Well okay then," Jimin beams. "This is exciting."

"Come on," Jungkook gestures for him to follow. He unblocked the metal door, that opened up to a staircase and the two went up. At the top of the staircase was yet another door, which opened up to the cockpit.

"Hey Dan I'm back," Jungkook sits in his seat.

"Already?" Dan looked over at him. "Oh, you brought the guy you're always talking about. Don't get distracted Jungkook, okay?" He gave him a knowing look.

"I don't talk about him all the time, and his name is Jimin," Jungkook's face turns red. "Jimin this is Dan, my co-captain."

"Oh, hi Dan," Jimin smiled at him. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," Dan's smile was oddly sarcastic, but that was just his personality. "Though I feel I already know you with how much Jungkook talks."

"Dan!" Jungkook says between his teeth. "Jimin he's just being weird, don't mind him. He likes to think he can poke fun at me. Sure I do talk about you, but it's because you're so interesting of course, I like talking about my friend."

"Don't worry, I talk about you all the time too, you're just so easy to talk about," Jimin assured.


"Yeah of course, you're really interesting," Jimin nods. "I mean how many ferry boat captains are as young as you?"

"Um, I'm right here," Dan gestures to himself.

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