Twenty: The Yule Ball

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Isabelle was glad to know that everything had worked out for the best after the Rita Skeeter situation, and quickly wrote him back a short letter.


Isabelle felt like she could finally breathe after the end of the last class of the calendar year, and was grateful that Flitwick hadn't assigned anything to be due on the last day that the two of them would have to grade over the next two weeks.

"Miss Isabelle?" She heard a soft voice from the door of the charms classroom as she picked up some loose parchment and lost quills around the room.

"Hey, Eleanor," Isabelle smiled, gesturing for the girl to come in.

Eleanor strode into the classroom, her curly hair bouncing as it always did, and took a seat on the edge of a desk casually.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" Eleanor asked, a toothy grin making up half of her face.

"I am, and I'm sure you are too. Will you be going home for the break?" Isabelle asked. She knew many of the students were staying at Hogwarts this year for the Yule Ball, but first years weren't able to attend.

Eleanor nodded. "Yep, Mum and Dad said they had a surprise gift for me when I get home. I hope its an owl of my own, I've always wanted one."

"Having an owl is a lot of responsibility," Isabelle pointed out.

"I know, but I'm pretty sure I could handle it. There's this one in the owlery that's so pretty and white like snow. I think she's Harry Potter's, and if he can handle an owl, so can I,"Eleanor said confidently.

Isabelle chuckled lightly. "I have no doubt that you would."

"So what about you? Going home to hang out with Biiiiiill," Eleanor teased.

Isabelle laughed and shook her head. "I wish I was. I have to stay and chaperone the Yule Ball, but I'm going to try to go home as soon as its over."

Eleanor nodded in understanding. "What's he like? You never really talk about him."

"I didn't think it was something you would be interested in hearing," Isabelle shrugged. "But he's very kind, and sweet, and tries to be funny."

"Okay but what does he look like?" Eleanor said, poking Isabelle's arm playfully.

Isabelle swatted her hand away gently. Isabelle thought briefly about how weird this conversation was, but it was just Eleanor, so why not?

"Well he has really nice, long hair. It's the same color as his brothers' and Ginny's, who you already know. And very pretty blue eyes. He also has this dangling earring that his mum hates and wears a lot of leather jackets."

"Oooo, he sounds handsome," Eleanor squealed.

"And to remind you, twice your age,"Isabelle laughed.

Isabelle and Eleanor talked for a little while longer about Bill and Eleanor's plans for the break before it was time to head to the Great Hall for dinner.

Eleanor stopped by once more that weekend to tell Isabelle goodbye before leaving to go spend time with her family. After that, most of Isabelle's next few days consisted of helping with preparations for the Yule Ball, with Dumbledore wanting to impress the other schools beyond their imaginations.

When the day of the ball came, it was early morning when Isabelle was woken up by loud knocking on her door. She got up reluctantly to answer it, and spotted Hermione Granger standing in her doorway.

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