"Yes, I was just on my way to get it when I saw you three coming here. Let me go get it."

As he walked off, Elsie spoke up. "So...I know how the Island Challenge typically works but what are Z-moves?"

"They're what help us unleash the hidden power of our pokemon in one big attack," Hau explained. "There's a Z-move for each pokemon type. You'll need a Z-Ring and the stone for that specific Z-move that you want to do, which you'll get when beating trials and grand trials."

"There's also a dance that you'll have to do to unleash that power but the trial captains and Kahunas will show you how to do it when you win them," Lillie added.

Soon Hala came back, with a Z-Ring in his hand. Elsie thanked him before snapping it onto her wrist.

"Elsie, you've come at a time when a festival happens during the sunset," Hala said. "It is our way of giving thanks to our island guardians. You are more than welcome to stay for the festivities before starting your Island Challenge."

"A festival? Sure, I'll go. Sounds like fun." Elsie said, smiling a little. At that, Hau began jumping with excitement.

"There's also a battle that happens during that festival. You should participate in it! Since it won't happen until sunset, you'll have plenty of time to prepare."

Elsie wasn't sure how to respond to the offer, but soon Demetria's words came to her mind.

'It's not like you're going to do anything there. You're too scared to even battle.'

'I can't do the thing that she suspected. The purpose of a journey is to get out of your comfort zone from time to time. This is the perfect chance to do that.'

"S-Sure. I'll do it."


Before she knew it, the sun was beginning to set and the festival was starting. Elsie took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heartbeat.

'My very first battle...I hope this doesn't go horribly wrong.'

Sensing her nervousness, Sapphire nuzzled into Elsie trying to calm her down. Elsie smiled and thanked the Swablu.

"Hey, Elsie," Lillie said as she came toward the girl. "Are you ready for your first battle?"

"I think so...but I'm still really nervous," Elsie admitted.

Lillie gave her a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, I was scared of battling too when I first started. But thanks to Snowy and the rest of my team, I was able to have the courage to start completing the Island Trials."

"So you finished all of them?"

"Not yet. I still got the trials in Poni Island to complete. Though Hau finished all of them when he first started his journey and even battled a good friend of ours for the title of champion when Professor Kukui established Alola's Pokemon League. But we only got as far as we did because of the support of our pokemon. It'll be the same for you."

Elsie nodded, now feeling a little less nervous. "Thanks, Lillie."

"No problem. Now, I think that the battle is about to start." she pointed to the growing crowd surrounding a small wooden arena. Once Elsie saw Hala going over to it, she made her way over as well.

"For all life on our islands..." Hala started, as Elsie came forward onto the wooden arena. "..and for those who undertake the island challenge with joy in their hearts...we pray for your protection...for them and all Melemele. May this Pokemon battle be an offering to our island's guardian deity- Tapu Koko! Before you stands Elsie, one who has come to us from Holon, and before her stands Ilima, trial captain of Melemele."

'I'm fighting a trial captain already?' Elsie thought. 'This battle might be harder than I thought...'

"Alola." Illima greeted. "The Kahuna couldn't find another for this battle so I volunteered."

"N-Nice to meet you." Elsie stuttered.

"Elsie! Illima! Bring forth the power of your pokemon!" Hala called out.

"Prism, you're up!"

"Yungoos, come on out!"

Elsie tilted her head at the pokemon that was summoned right when she sent Prism out. "Yungoos?"

"Yungoos, the Loitering Pokemon. A normal type." Rotom informed. "Yungoos is a big eater that is never satisfied. The majority of its long body is given over to its stomach, and its digestion is swift, so it's always hungry. It has strong fangs, so it can crush and consume the hardest of objects."

Elsie nodded in thanks to Rotom before refocusing on the battle. "P-Prism, use Quick Attack!"

The Eevee nodded and dashed forward, crashing into Yungoos.

"Yungoos, use Tackle," Ilima ordered.

"Prism try to dodge it!"

Prism attempted to jump out of the way but Yungoos was faster, ramming into the Eevee before she could avoid the attack.

"Now use Bite."

Prism growled in pain as Yungoos bit down on her shoulder.

"Prism use Swift!" Elsie called out.

Yungoos wasn't able to get away before Swift hit it at point blank range. Once freed, Prism looked back at Elsie and nodded. Elsie understood this and nodded as well.

"O-Okay. We're gonna use our strongest move so far." Elsie warned. "Get ready."

At that Ilima gave her an amused smile. "By all means, be my guess."

"Alright, here it goes. Prism, use Dragon Rage!"

There was a collective gasp among the crowd as the Eevee smirked and used Dragon Rage, fainting the opposing Yungoos. Ilima returned his pokemon.

"Well...that was certainly unexpected. Nonetheless, you are a good trainer. You and your Eevee seem to understand each other pretty well."

Elsie looked around at the people watching. A lot of them were still shocked about how Prism has a dragon-type move. It wasn't long until Hau came running towards them.

"How in the world did you get an Eevee to learn Dragon Rage!? That move should be impossible for Eevee to learn."

"W-Well you see...shortly after Prism hatched she learned Copycat." Elsie started. "And my older brother has a few dragon types around since that's his favorite type so uh...Prism kinda just kept using Copycat over and over until she somehow managed to teach herself Dragon Rage. I guess you can say that people aren't the only ones in Holon that do a lot of learning."

"That's so cool!"

"There is certainly strength within you as a trainer, waiting to be realized," Hala noted. "Perhaps your Eevee and going on challenges are gonna help you realize that strength."

'That's similar to what those voices in my dream said.' Elsie thought. 'I wonder why people keep mentioning this hidden strength I apparently have?'

Though she didn't have much time to keep pondering about it as she was soon dragged into the rest of the festivities by Hau.

Pokemon Ascendance: Origins of HolonWhere stories live. Discover now