Ch30 || Please just try to be serious today

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Okay so I just realized the long timeskip isn't till next chapter so there was no need to stop postig chapters yesterday- whoops-


Atsumu's POV

I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder and I look up. "Hi Tsumu." Samu says. I don't respond. I don't have the energy. I put my head back in my hands and look back at my shoes. "Tsumu, you look more upset than you usually do, I'm sitting with you for the ride home." He says. "What about Suna?" I ask. "I told him you would probably be upset and that I should probably sit with you and he said it was fine."

I scoot over a bit and hear Samu sit next to me. "So, wanna talk about it?" he asks. I hear the bus start up.

"I took your advice. I blocked him on everything and told him I didn't want to interact with him ever again." I say.

I feel the atmosphere shift to something heavy. "I just suggested stopping the... whatever you two were doing with each other." He says. "Samu can you please not right now?" I ask, feeling tears prick at my eyes and in my throat.

"Please just try to be serious today."

I feel him place his hand on my back and rub up and down. "Okay Tsumu."

The rest of the ride home, neither of us say anything.


232 words


Anywaysssssss,,, timeskip time >:)


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