Ch41 || Idk what to title this one...

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Kageyama's POV bc why tf not

Shoyo and I walk back to his room, hand in hand, after finally confessing our feelings to each other. I'm ecstatic at the fact we're actually together now. I want to thank Sakusa and Atsumu for giving us the push we needed but they aren't here.

"Where are the others?" Shoyo asks. "Oh they both left a few minutes ago." Akaashi says. "WAIT! I SEE HAND HOLDING! IS IT OFFICIAL!?" Bokuto exclaims.

Shoyo and I look at each other before looking back at the other two and nodding.

"Oh by the way, Atsumu left his phone here, is there anyway you guys think you could take it to him please?" Akaashi asks. "Of course~!" Shoyo chirps as he takes the phone Akaashi is holding.

We walk a bit down the hall to where Shoyo says is Atsumu's room. I knock and there's no answer. "Can you hold this for a sec?" Shoyo asks, handing me the phone. I nod and take it as he fishes something from his pocket.

Atsumu's phone then buzzes and I check it.


Messages - Tangerine boi: Hi Atsumu!! I wanted to give u ur phone but u arent getting the door :// where are you??


"Moron Shoyo Moron! He doesn't have his phone on him!" I whisper-shout. "Oh yeah... whoops!" He says. A few moments later Atsumu's phone buzzes again.


Messages - Tangerine boi: Hi again Atsumu!! I forgot you didn't have ur phone lol


"Shoyo-" I say, my sentence being cut off by my own laughter. He looks confused for a moment but then he realizes and laughs with me.

"Atsumu should be fine if we just take a peek inside, he's not the type of guy who doesn't care if someone goes into his room with no permission." Shoyo says before opening his door.

"Huh... It's empty..." He says with a small frown. I grin and mess around his hair. "Maybe he's with Sakusa? They seem like close friends, they could be hanging out." I suggest.

Shoyo smiles and walks me over to the room next door before lightly knocking on it. "Aww, no answer either." He says with a pout. "Do you think Sakusa would mind if we checked his room?" I ask. Shoyo's eyes widen. "Well umm... he's kinda scary but you are too so if you open it then it should be fine if he's in there." He explains. I nod and he walks behind me.

I slowly open the door and what I see is... well...

I slam the door shut and turn around to face Shoyo.


429 words


I- fuck idk why I made this,,, I just wanted to put of the lime for a tad longer (^~^ゞ,,, also I apologize if I made Hinata, Kags, Bokuto, or Akaashi's personalities to fanon, like I said in earlier authors notes, I only really under stand Yama, Tsukki, Tendou, and Ushi's canon personalities


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