Ch34 || It became my business

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Third Person POV

Komori knocks on Atsumu's door. The twins freeze. "Tsumu?" Osamu asks, trying to figure out what he wants him to do. Komori knocks again. "It's probably him, I was kinda shouting earlier, Samu can ya get it?" Atsumu asks. Without saying anything, Osamu walks over to the door and opens it.

"Miya Osamu? Unless you just stole your twin's hair since when I last saw you..." Komori says. "Who are ya exactly?" Osamu asks. "Oh I'm Komori, Sakusa Kiyoomi's cousin, I heard Atsumu was here and I just wanted to umm... have a chat..."

It was obvious Komori wanted to yell at Atsumu.

"Yer not fighting my brother." Osamu says. He starts to close the door but Komori grabs it, preventing it from closing. Osamu sighs and lets go of the door. "Do ya know how many times I've had to be my brother's shoulder to cry on because of your cousin? Fuckin' a lot. I'm not mad at Tsumu for being a wimp or anything, but Sakusa put him through a lot with how inconsiderate he was." Osamu explains.

 "I couldn't even be Kiyoomi's shoulder to cry on. You know why? Because he couldn't bring himself to come within 3 feet of me, and the one person he could be that close to, cut all ties with him and he has no clue why." Koromi says.

At first, Osamu and Komori thought they could try and talk things out with each other since they didn't hurt Atsumu or Sakusa themselves, but they had to defend their best friend to the end.

"Maybe Tsumu wouldn't have cut ties with him if Sakusa could learn to be a bit more gentle with peoples feelings and try to understand them." Osamu says. 

"Well maybe he could have if Atsumu gave him a reason for leaving." Komori says. 

"He didn't need a fuckin' reason! It was fuckin' obvious! Why would he need to explain why he couldn't handle being used for a fucking phobia!" Osamu whisper-shouts, trying to contain his rage to the best of his ability.

 "You aren't making any sense!" Komori shouts. "You aren't making any sense!" Osamu shouts back.

Komori hears Sakusa clear his throat from behind him. "Neither of you are making sense. Koromi, we aren't done disinfecting my stuff. How much longer are you going to stick your nose in my business for?" Sakusa asks. His tone is almost expressionless except for a hint of irritation.

"It became my business when you came crying to me at three in the fucking morning about how much you missed him every night for god knows how fucking long!" Komori shouts.

It goes silent.


"Omi-kun... I-" Atsumu starts. Osamu slams the door shut before his brother can finish. "Tsumu. My advice was right before and it still is. For your own good, please do not talk to him off the court." Osamu deadpans.

Atsumu tears up.

"I can't not talk to him after hearing that." He says quietly. Osamu sighs and pulls his brother into a hug. The blond cries into the silver-hair's shirt.

"K-Kiyoomi? H-hey I'm sorr-" Komori starts. "I can disinfect my room by myself. Go home and for the love of god, learn how to filter your words." Sakusa deadpans. "Okay. I'm sorry." Komori says before making a b-line for the exit.

Sakusa walks back into his room.


561 words


I apologize if this chapter sucked, I'm really shit at writing in 3rd person since I haven't even written in it since 3rd grade lmao,,, I just couldn't focus on one characters POV for this and I didn't want to do two diffrent chapters of the same thing just with diffrent POVs so here's this-


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