Ch44 || Why did we have to be on the same team?

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Before we start, TW for drug use in this chapter


Sakusa's POV

~~~Im done labling timeskips... for now...~~~

Atsumu and I did the same thing everyday that week; Him sucking me off, me jerking him off. It was good. However, tonight would be different, Hinata and Bokuto had another sleepover planned.

Atsumu went over to help sanitize Hinata's room again, which I really appreciated since I know it takes a while to sanitize even a portion of a room. Soon enough I get a knock on my door.

I open it and see Atsumu. 

"I'm done sanitizing Hinata's room, ya ready?"

 "Actually no, can you help me with something?" 

"Sure." Atsumu says as he walks in my room, leaving the door ajar.

I walk over to him and slam him against the door, making sure it's fully closed now, and kiss his neck. "Omi-Omi?" He asks. I part my lips from his neck for a moment. "We're not gonna have any free-time tonight, just a few more minutes." I say before continuing to kiss and lick Atsumu's neck.

He groans and says "Okay." and I continue to kiss him. I pull down the sleeve of his t-shirt slightly and leave a hickey on his shoulder as he suppresses a moan. I feel him slip his hands under the hem of my shirt, pulling my body closer to his.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Atsumu freezes but I continue to suck on his shoulder, even though I heard it. "You guys almost ready?" I hear Hinata shout through the door.

"Y-yeah! Sakusa just lost something and I'm helping him g-get it!" Atsumu replies to Hinata. "Okay, well hurry up!" Hinata shouts back. Atsumu lets out a sigh of relief then lowers his lips to my ear.

"That was risky Omi-Omi, it's almost like you want to be caught." Atsumu whispers seductively. I don't respond, I just continue to passionately suck on his skin.

About five minutes pass. "Omi-Omi, we seriously have to get going now." He says. I disconnect my lips from his skin and we grab our stuff.


if you want to skip the drug usage, just go to the next bolded section, but they will all be high the whole chapter and this has stuff you can't really skip and understand the rest of the story for



"Okay, so I was hanging out with the guys earlier and Kuroo gave Tsukishima and I something..." Bokuto stars, reaching his hand into his pocket. 

He then pulls out a small bag with a blunt.

"Bokuto-san, I told you to stop taking stuff fro, that pain in the ass." Akaashi says. "You did but I felt like it would be rude if I didn't take it! I mean it is a gift from my bro." Bokuto says with a frown. "Where did Kuroo even get weed?" Akaashi asks. "Terushima, that captain for Jozenji." Bokuto says. "Ehh, figures." Akaashi says. "Hey, did Tsukishima take the one rooster head gave him?" Hinata asks. "Yeah, he said he was gonna throw it out though and then told us to stop bothering him." Bokuto says.

"So who's taking some?" Atsumu asks. "Not Bokuto or me, that's for sure." Akaashi says. "Agaashiii! Why nottt?" Bokuto whines. "Because you already always act like you're high, you don't need any real drugs." Akaashi says. "Kageyama and I will!" Hinata chirps. "I will too! Omi-Omi?" Atsumu asks. I simply shrug.

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