Ch32 || It's fucking Omi-Omi

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Atsumu's POV

~~~Timeskip to next week~~~

I finally finish unpacking my things in my new dorm room and let out a sigh of relief as I flop back onto my bed. "So you're finally done? Does this mean I can leave?" Samu asks. "No! I'm also bringing ya to meet my new teammates! I think I heard the captain mention something about that one orange haired kid from Karasuno we stole the quick attack from a few years ago was here! Plus this is the last time you'll see me before I get all famous and forget about ya!" I say.

"Tsumu, we're twins, I don't think it would be easy to forget about me." He says. "If it was, I would have by now." I say sarcastically, chuckling at the end. "Fuck you." He says, also cracking up a bit. "Oh dear brother of mine, how could I ever apologize?" I ask rhetorically. "Well ya could make me feel better by getting me some food. Didn't ya mention this place had good food?" He says. I sigh. "Whatever, I'm also kinda hungry so it couldn't hurt~" I say as I stand up.

I open my door and as I'm about to walk out, I hear a very familiar name.

"Kiyoomi~! Hurry up you need to sanitize your new room!"

I instantly rush back into the room and close the door.

It could have been anyone named Kiyoomi, but it sounded like Komori was talking, just with a slightly deeper voice, and the mention of the word "sanitize" was said...


"Tsumu?" Samu asks. I laugh. I can't help it. "Hey it looks like I won't have to meet one of my neighbors anymore!" I say. "Huh?" Samu asks. I look up at him, still laughing a bit.

"I already have met this one who seems to live next door~!" I explain. "Tsumu what?" He asks.

"It's fucking Omi-Omi!" I say, probably a bit louder than I should have.

I still don't know how to feel. I want to feel happy because I have really missed him a lot. But on the other hand, I really don't want to see him because I spent 2 years getting over him and I don't want it all to go to shit.

"Shit Tsumu... Are you... Okay?" Samu asks.

"Fuck I don't... I don't know..."

I can feel tears prick at my eyes. I hear Samu jump off the bed and pull me into a hug.

Ever since that day, we'd been a lot nicer to each other. Like if one of us was sad, we would normally try to make light of the situation and get the other one to laugh, but since that day, we usually just go into immediate comfort mode when the other is sad. Although. I haven't really needed Samu to rush to my side since back then...


498 words


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