Ch36 || Miya

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Atsumu's POV

~~~Timeskip a week-ish~~~

It had been several days since that night. Omi-Omi and I did as he said and only talked in the court. We'd seen each other around, although we didn't interact. That's what makes this situation very awkward.

"We should like... All be a friend group or something! Like we should always have our meals like this, all four of us!" Hinata says. "Yeah! That sounds cool! What about you two?" Bokuto says. "I think it sounds nice..." I say. "It's not a horrible plan. I probably won't though." Omi-Omi says. "Whyyyyy?" Hinata groans. "Because I have no need to. I'm only sitting here tonight because Bokuto wouldn't stop pestering me till I agreed to sit here." Omi-Omi says.

"Aww no fun! Chibi-chan's cool with it, and Tsum-Tsum's cool with it! Why not you!?" Bokuto says.

I tense up and drop my chopsticks.

"What'd ya just call me?" I ask. "Tsum-Tsum? I thought it sounds like a cool nickname." Bokuto says.

"Don't call me that." I say, irritation flooding my voice. "Aww, nobody ever lets me call them cool nicknamesss!" Bokuto whines. I glance over at Omi-Omi who's staring at his dinner and not displaying any type of reaction. I can feel an ill-tempered aura from him though. 

"Like first Tsukki, and now youuu!" Bokuto whines. I start to drink some of my water. "Well yeah, that's because he only lets Yamaguchi call him that since they're dating!" Hinata explains.

I choke on my water and spurt it back into my cup. "I'm done eating. Goodnight." Omi-Omi says, standing up with his tray. "You didn't even touch your food though." Hinata says. "Well I'm not hungry. Goodnight." He says again. 

"Omi-kun, at least bring some of it back to your room~ I don't want ya to starve~!" I say.

"Shut up Miya." Omi-Omi says as he walks to the trash to throw out his food.

My teasing grin fades into a bit of a frown.

"Y'know, I think I'm about ready to go to sleep too. I'll see ya two in the morning though." I say, also standing up with my tray.

~~~TImeskip a few mins~~~

I get back to my room and sit on my bed, picking up a pillow and holding it between my head and knees.

He called me... Miya.

Omi-Omi's voice saying my last name with a hint of disgust rings in my head as I cry into my pillow.

I reach for my phone.



Unblock this contact?

___Yes | No___


__Selected  | No__



Omi-kun,,, it's Atsumu,,, I was wondering if we could talk??

(!)Not delivered



It makes sense that he would block me too... 


436 words


I'm not 100% sure if Bokuto calls Hinata "Chibi-Chan" but I was looking at Hinata's wiki and it said he does so like-


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