Ch39 || squad sleepover

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to next day, morning~~~

I wake up to the feeling of warm arms around me, a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time.

I also feel Atsumu's face smushed against my back. "Atsumu. Wake up." I say. I feel him nuzzle his face around on my back. "Atsumuuu. We have practice soon." I groan.

I feel him move his face from my back and then quickly swipe at where his face was resting on my back. "What did you do that for?" I ask. "I- umm- nothing!" He squeaks.

I sit up and straddle him suddenly. He looks nervous. "What?" I ask. "Nothing!" He squeaks again. I then raise my eyebrows since I have an idea of what happened. "Did you drool on my back or something?" I ask. "Yes but I didn't mean t-" Atsumu starts.

"Gross." I deadpan.

Atsumu looks regretful but before he can say anything, I grab his wrist and lick his thumb that he wiped my back with. He looks shocked at first, but then he glances over at the clock.

"Y'know..." He starts, bringing his hand away from my mouth and down to my chest. "-We have some time before we have to go anywhere~"

~~~Timeskip to dinner bc I'm not writing any more spicy stuff for a bit and nothing else happens that day~~~

Dinner comes and Atsumu and I sit in our normal spot with Hinata and Bokuto, but this time we sit closer together, our pinkies intertwined.

"So I just want to apologize for last night for making you flip ou-" Bokuto starts. "Oh that? Yeah we settled all that and we're friends again now!" Atsumu says.

I know it's an improvement but I internally winced at the word "friend". I think I may very well still love Atsumu, and from what he told me last night, all his feeling for me are in the past.

"That's great to know! I'm happy for you guys!" Hinata says. "Oh Chibi-chan! Ask them about that thing we wanted to ask them about last night!" Bokuto says enthusiastically. "Oh right! We were wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover? Like all four of us!" Hinata says.

"No." I deadpan. "Whyyyyyyy?" Hinata whines. I sigh. "Will you completely disinfect your room before I come over?" I ask. "Yeah!" Hinata says. "Actually, no, I don't trust you'll do it wrong." I say. "I can help him!" Bokuto chimes in. I scoff. "You would make it even worse." I say. "I can chip in! I know how thorough ya are so I might be able to do a pretty good job!" Atsumu says. I look over at him.

"You sure you want to?" I ask. Atsumu chuckles. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He asks. "Because you just said you know how thorough I am. That means you would have to be insanely thorough, like it would take a lot of effort." I say. "I know, it's totally fine!" He says.

"So it's settled! Squad sleepover!" Hinata says. "Oh actually I also invited Akaashi to spend the night!" Bokuto says. "Oh, does that mean I can invite Kageyama?" Hinata adds. "It's your room, I don't see why not." Bokuto says. "So you're bringing your boyfriends? What about the squad?" Atsumu asks. "Hinata's eyes widen and his cheeks turn a light pink. "BAKAYAMA IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! HE'S ANNOYING AND DUMB AND MEAN!" Hinata shouts. Atsumu and I look from each other to Hinata and back to each other then burst out in laughter.

"SAKUSA CAN LAUGH!?" Bokuto and Hinata exclaim simultaneously.

I immediately stop laughing.

"Shush. Both of you." I deadpan. Everyone's laughter gradually simmers down. "So Chibi-chan, you and Kageyama?" Bokuto asks with a smirk. Hinata's cheeks grow very pink. "NO! NO NO NO NO NO! SWITCH SUBJECTS PLEASE!" He shouts, burying his face in his hands and shaking his head.

Atsumu and Bokuto erupt in laughter and I lightly chuckle.

~~~Timeskip to 10:30-ish~~~

I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Atsumu. 

"Hey Omi-Omi~ I'm all done disinfecting stuff, also I told Hinata and Bokuto to tell their boyfriend and soon to be boyfriend to make sure to wash up and not make a mess of Hinata's room tonight." He says. "Okay, I assume that means we're going now?" I ask. Atsumu chuckles. "Why else would I be here?" He asks rhetorically. I hum and shrug. "Maybe you missed your dear 'Omi-Omi~'" I say, mimicking how he says the adorable nickname. "Did not! Now, let's go!" He says. I groan and pick up my bag which I filled with an extra two things of clothes and my emergency sanitary kit since I knew how chaotic everyone going except Akaashi could get.

We walk over to Hinata's dorm room, which is just down the hall. The door is open ajar and Atsumu opens it fully. "Hey~! I brought the party boy~!" Atsumu coos. "I think I'm the lease "party boy" type here." I sneer. "It's a joke, Omi-Omi~" He coos. I chuckle.

"GUYS! AGAASHI JUST TEXTED ME THAT HE'S HERE! I'M GONNA GO GET HIM!" Bokuto shouts as he stands up and runs out of the room. "God, he's so in love it's sickening." I say with a hint of irritation in my voice. Atsumu chuckles. His smile is really pretty... FUCK WHAT AM I THINKING?

"Sounds like someone's jealous~" Hinata coos. I send him a harsh glare. "No." I retort. Hinata looks over at Atsumu, then back at me, then winks. "I would kick you if I didn't want your germs to get on my shoe." I say, irritation flooding my voice. Hinata looks down at his phone as it dings and then stands up. "Bakayama's here, be right back." He says as he runs out of the room.

Atsumu sits on the floor and sighs. "You can sit too, I vacuumed the carpet everywhere." Atsumu says. A smile plasters its way on my face beneath my mask and I cautiously sit down next to him.

"It's probably gonna be boring if they're just gonna be flirting with their boyfriends all night." I say, thinking aloud. "Who says we can't be flirting all night too?" Atsumu asks, lightly placing a finger under my chin and bringing my face to look at his own. He's smirking a prideful smirk and I scoff. Part of me wants to tell him he's stupid and I would want nothing of the sort but another part of me wants to go along with it and enjoy whatever along time we have left for the night. I would smirk back but he couldn't see and I was not taking my mask off in Hinata's room. Instead, I place my hand under Atsumu's shirt, on his abs.

"I'm not planning on flirting with Bokuto-san at all and I hope you two won't be flirting together while I'm here."

I immediately recoil my hand and Atsumu does the same with his hand and we both stare at the ground. "AGAASHI! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WAIT UP!" Bokuto yells and he rushes up behind Akaashi and tackles him to the ground with a hug.

As I'm about to remind Bokuto that there're dorms below us, I see a black blob dash past the door. "HAHA! I WON MORON HINATA! THAT'S 593 WINS FOR ME!" I hear the voice call from outside Hinata's room. I then see Hinata tap his own door. 

"BAKAYAMA! THAT'S THE WRONG ROOM! I GOT HERE FIRST!" Hinata shouts as he jumps up and down. I hear the sound of fast steps come closer to the doorway and see Kageyama with a scowl. "I STILL GOT UP FIRST!" He shouts. "BUT I GOT TO MY ROOM FIRST!" Hinata shouts. The two argue about who won for a few more moments.

This night is going to be VERY chaotic.


1314 words


I wanna apologize for not posting at all today until now,,, I normally update 4 or 5 chapters right after school but today I was watching the first episode of TPN S2 and after that I went to hang out with one of my friends,,, also tomorrow I probably won't post anything because after school she's probably gonna spend the night,,, and to those of you worried about us spreading covid or smth,,, it's really fine, she's more of a cousin to me since her mom is at our place 90% of the time since our moms are best friends,,, so if we're all pretty much breathing each others air lmao- so my point is; I'm sorry for not posting a lot :/

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