Ch40 || Ah fuck am I a pervert? Whatever.

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to whenever idfk~~~

We all talked a bit and got to know each other a bit better. It hasn't been too bad so far, and that's a lot since it's already 11:00pm. Well, it was going pretty well until a few seconds ago before Bokuto suggested something that could go very wrong very soon.

Everyone agreed to playing truth or dare. Well Kageyama and Atsumu were a bit hesitant at first and I hadn't agreed at all yet. But of course, even if things could take a horrible turn, I may as well.


"Okay, Hinata! Truth or dare?" Kageyama asks the ginger. "Dare!" He responds. "Okay... I dare you to call Suga-san and tell him that Bokuto and Akaashi are better parental figures than him and Daichi-san!" Kageyama says. "No! That's so mean! I like both of our parents the same!" Hinata huffs. "A dares a dare!" Bokuto says with a smirk. Hinata sighs and grabs his phone.

"Suga-san! Yes hello! Things here are good yeah! Oh yeah I was just calling to say that Bokuto and Akaashi are better parental figures than you and Daichi-san... NO NO NO NO NO! SUGA IT WAS A PRANK! THEY MADE ME SAY IT! I LOVE YOU GUYS ALL THE SAME!" Hinata says to the phone. Atsumu, Kageyama, and Bokuto are losing their shit laughing and Akaashi and I lightly chuckle at the redhead's phone call.

After Hinata and Sugawara make small talk, our group exchanges some more harmless truths and dares for a while.


"Okay Chibi-chan, I dare you to sit in Kageyama's lap for the rest of the game." Bokuto says. The redhead and black-haired male both turn a light red and Hinata scoots over closer to Kageyama. Atsumu and Bokuto let out an "Aww!" as Hinata makes his way onto Kageyama's lap. Hinata sits facing opposite of Kageyama. The taller boy wraps his arms around the smaller's back and the latter's face sinks into the former's neck.

"Payback time Bokuto!" Hinata starts. "Moron Hinata! Don't shout in my ear!" Kageyama shouts. "You just shouted in my ear, Bakayama!" Hinata shouts back. The two are too caught up in their banter so Atsumu decides to go next instead of Hinata.

"Bokuto, truth or dare." He asks. "Truth." Bokuto answers. Atsumu let's out a long "Uhhhhhh" sound as he ponders about what to ask the silver haired male. Soon, a smirk grows on the blond's face.

"When you and Akaashi... do it... who's on top?" 

 "I knew there would be pervy questions soon enough, I also predicted you would start them." I say to Atsumu. "Well what else should I have asked?" He responds. I shrug.

"Well, usually me except for the first few times because I thought I was hurting him so I offered to switch... But now it's pretty much always me!" Bokuto answers.

Akaashi turns a very bright red but Bokuto looks like he just told us something casual like the weather. The room grows silent, even Hinata and Kageyama's bickering comes to a griding halt.

"Okay, well Atsumu, now for your payback. Truth or dare?" Bokuto asks.

If this is something about me, I will scream.

"Dare." Atsumu says with that cocky grin of his. "Okay, I dare you to give Sakusa a hickey. Wait does his germaphobia allow that?" Bokuto says. Atsumu's cocky grin fades and his cheeks turn a light pink. I simply sigh. "I guess it's fine. Just get it over quickly." I say, tilting my head to one side. "Ahh... okay~" Atsumu says, acting like it's just an everyday dare.

He shifts over to sit across from me on his knees. He brings his face to my neck and his unsteady breath tickles my neck. "Hurry up already." I say harshly, trying not to start blushing myself.

Only His Touch || SakuAtsuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon