Ch45 || That's all that matters

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Atsumu's POV


I wake up, immediately feeling my head and shoulders aching. I open my eyes and realize I'm sleeping on the floor, somehow on my back with my neck turned to the side like the letter "J". I'm assuming my mild headache is from the weed.

I sit up, cracking my neck, and look over to see Akaashi with Bokuto laying in his lap. Akaashi is awake whereas the Bokuto is still fast asleep. I also glance over at Hinata and Kageyama who are cuddling on Hinata's bed.

I then realize, Omi-Omi isn't here.

My mind scrambles as I try to remember the events of last night. The last thing I remember is when Bokuto and I went streaking in the street... I remember that only Bokuto and Akaashi were with me then so Omi-Omi must have left before then.

I don't remember him coming to try and raid the cafeteria with Akaashi, Bokuto, and I either... I think he may have left during truth or dare...

"Still... You stopped talking to me because you were in love with me and you lost your virginity to someone else not that long after."

Oh. Was he that upset about that that he left?

"Hey Akaashi, I'm gonna go, I'll see you at practice later today though." I whisper as I stand up. Akaashi says his goodbyes and I leave my room, instantly heading over to my own room to drop off my stuff and then I make a b-line for Omi-Omi's room.

I start rapidly knocking on the door and I soon hear the doorknob rattle.

"Omi-Omi~! Goodmorning~!" I coo. "What do you want? I was sleeping." He says. "Ahh sorry... Well breakfast started being served about 10 minutes ago and we have practice in about 30 so I just wanted to make sure you were awake." I say.

 I mean that was part of it but I mainly came just to see if he was mad. He didn't seem too upset though, so that's good. The weed probably just made him overreact.

"I'll see ya down at breakfast then Omi-Omi~!" I coo. "Yeah. See you Miya." He says before shutting his door. I freeze

"Miya"? We were back to that...


Omi-Omi didn't come to breakfast. It was just Bokuto and I filling in Hinata on everything he missed. Well Bokuto did a lot more talking due to my crappy mood. I saw Omi-Omi in practice. We didn't interact during practice off of the court though. He didn't come to lunch either.

It's dinnertime now though. Even when he was mad at me, he still usually sat with our group.

But tonight, he didn't show.

"Okay what gives, Sakusa hasn't sat with us all day, did I miss something last night?" Hinata asks. "Yeah did we miss something?" Bokuto asks. I look up at the silver haired male. "You asked the question that caused it." I deadpan. "Oh I did? I was mainly admiring how pretty Akaashi was last night so I don't remember..." He says. I sigh.

"Well someone here asked when I lost my virginity. I said at 18 and Omi-Om-... Omi-kun got upset when I said that and he left when I mentioned my ex-captain. He hasn't talked to me since, except this morning but he... he called me Miya..." I say.

"Oh..." Hinata says. "Sorry, I should have phrased it like 'Have you and Atsumu done it before?' or something..." Bokuto says. "It's fine. I don't blame you." I say.

The rest of dinner at our table is fairly quiet and there's a bit of a depressing aura, even if we only had the happy and energetic members of the quartet sitting at the table.

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