Ch31 || You pulled away first

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to whenever the Haikyuu timeskip takes place~~~

It's been around 6 years and I still think about him sometimes. I tried not to, I really did, and usually I could suppress my thoughts about him. But as I doze off to sleep tonight, he seems to be on my mind more than usual. I wonder why.


I'm greeted by the feeling of a hand on mine, intertwining our fingers together. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a VERY long time.

I pull my hand away since I wasn't used to the feeling.

My sight is filled with blotches of a fiery orange and a soft pink with spots of lavender. It's all I can see.

"Why did you pull your hand away? I thought it was what you wanted?"

The voice that asked the question was one I knew but it was so distant that I didn't know who it belonged to.

"I don't like touching people." I answer.

I couldn't explain why, but I missed the warmth of the person's hand.

It grows silent for a moment.

"Actually, you can hold my hand again if you want..." I say.

"No." The voice says.

I feel a chill run across my back.

"Why?" I ask.

Instead of a response, I hear a faint knock.

"You pulled away first." He says.

The knocking grows closer.

"N-no I'm sorry. I want to hold hands again. Please?"

"It's all your fault. I have to go. Goodbye."

"No please. I..."

The presence of the person grows farther away as the sound of the knocking grows even more unbearable, and with that, the colors fade to black.


The black fades into an off white. The color of my ceiling.

I suddenly remember, I'd had that dream a lot a few years back.

  It was about Atsumu back when we cut ties. I hadn't had it in almost 6 years though, I wonder why I had it tonight.

My thoughts are cut off by more knocking.

Oh yeah, I invited Komori over.

"In a minute!" I shout.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom and wash my face and hands. I then put my mask on and walk to the door.

"Took you long enough, so you said you had some news?" Komori says, walking into my apartment. He sits down on one of my chairs and I sit on the one next to him. Well it was a few feet away from him but it was the closest chair to him.

"Yeah I decided what team I'm gonna join and I'm moving out next week." I say. "Damn that was abrupt. So, what's the team's name?" He asks.

"MSBY Black Jackals."


442 words

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