Ch12 || I'm really gonna miss him

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to next day, morning~~~


I turn around.

Miya Atsumu.

I hum in response. "I heard we get an extra two hours of free time before we have to board our busses again. Wanna go somewhere after practice?" He asks.

"I don't see why not." I respond.

"Great~! I already have a plan~!" He coos. "Good for you. Now get back to practice, Kageyama looks anxious when he isn't hitting a ball." I say. "Mean Omi-Omi~! But I guess I will~" He responds before going back to his court.

~~~Time skip to after practice~~~

"So where exactly is it that you're taking me? It better not be anywhere with too many people or germs." I say. Atsumu chuckles. "I promise it's nowhere bad! Yer gonna love it!" He responds.

~~~Timeskip a half an hour~~~

 "Omi-Omi~! We're here~!" Atsumu coos. I look up from my shoes and look out the car window. It's a small ferris wheel. "So I may or may not have talked to Komori about places ya like since I wanted to give us a proper send off." He says.

"Atsumu... why is it in the middle of nowhere?" I ask. "Well, it's in a slightly more secluded area than most because I know how much you would probably hate going in one that a lot of people have recently rode." He says. "Okay well how did you even find this place?" I ask. "My grandparents' friends have this place and they built it themselves! I asked if I could bring a friend and they said yes." He says.

I think I'm actually falling in love with this guy...

"Anyway, let's go~!" He coos.

Atsumu steps out of the car and he opens my door for me since he knows that I would much rather not have to open it. I mean I already sanitized the seat and my half of the dashboard, I don't want to have to clean the door handle too.

~~~Timskip a few mins~~~

After I'm done sanitizing my side of the ferris wheel cart, and Atsumu's half too, just to be safe, we get on.

"Do you wanna... hold hands?" I ask. "Omi-Omi~! I doubt you still need more help with your germaphobia after everything we've done, especially that small a step~ Do you specifically want to hold hands with me~?" He teases. "I guess you're right. I don't need to hold your hand." I tease back as I look away from him.

"Omi-Omiiiiiii! No I'm sorryyyy! Gimme your handddd!" Atsumu whines. I smirk and give my hand to Atsumu. He takes it and intertwines our fingers.

Why can't this be more than a friendly gesture?

Atsumu and I stare at the clouds as the ferris wheel spins. The sun is slightly setting and the sky is painted a fiery orange and pink color with some lavender undertones. It's peaceful. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better last day here.

Atsumu chuckles. "What was that for?" I ask. "It's just, what would you do if someone a week ago told you that your training camp would consist of touching some loud and popular guy?" He asks. I chuckle and then sigh. "I would have assumed they were on something heavy." I say. This causes Atsumu and I to both giggle.

I place my head on his shoulder. "I'm really gonna miss you Atsumu. I mean I know we can still text and call, but I'm gonna miss your touch." I say. Atsumu puts his hand on my arm that isn't holding his hand, and he grazes his fingers across it lightly.

"Just think about how we're gonna see each other again at nationals. After our matches, we'll be able to touch all we want." He says. "I don't know if I can wait till then though. I'm really gonna miss this." I say.

~~~Time skip to 1 and a half hours~~~

"Goodbye, Omi-Omi~" Atsumu says. "Bye, Atsumu." I respond. We pull away from our hug and head onto our busses.

I'm really gonna miss him.


662 words


here's some last SakuAtsu fluff before we get to the chatfic chapters

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