Ch2 || to get even me to have a conversation

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Sakusa's POV

~~~time skip to dinner~~~


I turn around. To no surprise it was Miya Atsamu.

I hum in response. "I just wanted to properly apologize for earlier. I swear to you I had no idea, well the mask and gloves were a hint but I thought you might have just had a cold or something. Anyways, I am very sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Miya says.

"Oh is this the guy you were talking about?" Komori asks. I turn my head over to look at him. "Yes. Is there another Miya here I would have complained about?" I ask.

Miya snickers which causes me to turn back around. "Yes. Well not here but there is a far more annoying Miya." Miya says through his chuckles. I hum in response and Miya's face grows expressionless. "What? Don't tell me you haven't heard of the famous Miya Atsamu and the other one before?" He asks in a melodramatic tone. I scrunch my eyebrows up in annoyance and confusion. Miya sighs. "Oh my god, the Miya twins! You're a volleyball player, you should have heard of me and samu before. We're like crazy good and attractive, well at least I am. Not Samu." He says. "No no, I've never heard of you." I say in a mocking tone.

I'm being serious though, I have no clue what this guy is going on about. Miya puts his hand over his heart like he was just shot and lets out a gasp. "Mean Omi-kun!~" He says melodramatically. I almost laugh at his bad joke but I manage keep is at just smile under my mask.

He may be annoying but it's funny how bad his jokes are

"So umm... just wondering, is it okay if I sit with you guys?" he asks. "It's fine with me, Kiyoomi?" Komori says. I sigh. "I suppose." I say. "Yay!~" Miya exclaims as he sits down on the other side of our bench.

We all eat our dinner, well Komori and Miya do, I more just sit there not wanting to take my mask off with all the people in the room. Miya makes a lot of conversation and Komori soon gets sucked into all of it too, and eventually even I join into the conversation. I guess Miya Atsamu is truly so charismatic to get even me to have a conversation.


394 words


sorry for another short chapter!! they'll get longer soon,,, I promise :D

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