Ch26 || I'm not who he wants

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Atsumu's POV

Rain. It sure seems to set the fuckin' mood huh?

I just have to accept it, he's gonna realize sooner or later what we're doing is not what he wants. That I'm not who he wants. I need to stop feeling like this for him.

I walk on the sidewalk. It's raining heavily. Water keeps getting in my shoes but I don't mind. It was a bit cold but it doesn't especially matter. I need to walk more.

~~~Timeskip around an hour??~~~

My feet feel numb from walking and from the material in my shoes being soaked with ice-cold rain.

I look at my phone.


I should probably head back. I do have that game against Karasuno tomorrow.

My eyes make their way to my notifications.

Messages, 12:39pm - Omi-Omiii💕: Hey you seemed a bit do...

I sigh. I need to read his text. I can't get over him.



Hey you seemed a bit down when you left,,, anything other than the bet you're upset about?? I might be able to help if you want:))


After several minutes of contemplating whether or not I should text back, I do.



I'm fine,,, I just had to do A L L of his homework and I just finished bfjdkjmsaoij,,, besides for being a bit tired now,,, im alr:))


I slip my phone back into my pocket and start to make my way back to the hotel until I realize;

I have no clue what room to stay in.

~~~Timeskip to next day, morning~~~


I look over and see a small kid with orange hair jumping around.

"He's a friend from a group chat and I let him spend the night!" Tanaka says. "WAIT AREN'T WE PLAYING AGAINST HIM TODAY THOUGH!?" The kid shouts. "Yeah but he's cool." Noya says.

"Morning Tanaka, Noya, middle school boy?" I say, the last one being more of a question. The ginger lets out a "hmph"

"I'm a first year in high school." He says while pouting. "Ohhh yeahhh! Hinata Shouyou right? Yeah I remember hearing about ya from my coach." I say. "Well remember it, it's the name of someone who's on the winning team!" He says with a grin.

I laugh. "Don't underestimate Inarizaki." I say. "MORON HINATA MORON!" I hear someone shout from another room. I see a guy with black hair run out with two cartons of milk in hand. I believe he's Kageyama Tobio.

"HUH!? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG THIS TIME!" Hinata shouts. "YOU DRANK MY MILK MORON!" Kageyama shouts. "Oh that was me, whoops." Tanaka says. "YOU DRANK MY MILK!?" Kageyama shouts. "YEAH WHAT ABOUT IT!?" Tanaka shouts.

I sense a scary presence, one worse than Tanaka and the guy with the milk, and see someone out of the corner of my eye. Ah Karasuno's captin, Daichi Samawara. "Kageyama, Tanaka, calm down. Miya Atsumu, can I ask why you're here?" He asks. "Oh yeah, I was rooming with a friend and we got into a bit of a misunderstanding but I didn't think I could face my team last night after that so I asked my pals Tanaka and Noya if I could room in their hotel for the night." I explain. "Oh, Tanaka, Noya, thank you for showing respect to people even if they're on the opposite team." He says.

"Well, I should probably get going, I have a game against you all to get ready for. Good luck~! You'll need it when against us~!" I say, heading over to the door.


588 words


Okay,,, in the SakuAtsu fics I've read,,, Atsumu tends to be  V E R Y  emotional in some parts and idk how well it fits his character but I decided to go with it,,, also I apologize for the angst again


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