Ch8 || Omi-Omi

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to next day, midnight~~~

Today is the same as it was yesterday except for dinner. At dinner, Atsumu didn't brush his pinky against my hand. Instead, a lot closer to the end of dinner, I brushed my pinky against his. After that we did hold pinkies for the remainder of dinner.







Should I come over rn??


About that,,, Ive been thinking and I came up with a list of things to try each night and tonight I was wondering if you could come over like,,, 15 minutes later than usual


Ooooooh send me the list




Come onnnnn you made me curious>:(




Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Omi-kunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn🥺🥺


Tempting,,, but no


Youre no fun >:((


See you in 15 tho :))




~~~Timeskip 15 mins~~~

In 15 minutes, I hear a knock on my door. I open it to see Atsumu and I let him in. I shut the door behind him and turn on the lights. Atsumu and I both head over to sit on my bed.

"So, what're we doin' tonight?" Atsumu asks. "Well umm... I was thinking maybe we could... cuddle." I say. "Why'd ya call me over extra late then?" He asks. "I mean like cuddle... to sleep... until morning." I say. Atsumu's eyes widen and a light pink dusts his cheeks.

"Really? Umm... who would be big spoon?" He asks. "Huh?" I ask. What the fuck is a "big spoon"? "Wait do you not kn... how do ya think people cuddle?" He asks. "Well I've never cuddled with anyone so i'm not sure. Just like... hugging but laying down right?" I ask.

Atsumu lets out a sigh. "Listen, I myself happen to be an expert on the topic. I will teach you properly." He says. I smile under my mask. He sounds so dorky. "Well when I usually cuddle people, it's almost always spooning. Basically the little spoon faces in one direction and the big spoon also faces in that direction. The big spoon wraps their arms around the little spoon. That's pretty much all there is to it." He says.

"I think I get it. So which am I gonna be?" I ask. "Well I'm usually big spoon but that's because it was usually with girls and that's just normal I guess. Since we're two guys it doesn't really matter." He says. "So do you want to be the big spoon?" I ask. "Well I guess I would prefer it." He says. "Okay, I don't really care so I guess I'll be the little spoon." I say.

I lay down at the side of my bed, facing the wall, and I hear Atsumu shift behind me. I feel one of his arms graze my side. I shudder at the sudden contact but then I calm down.

Atsumu drapes his arm against the top of my body and I feel his body touch mine. I shudder at this touch too but then ease into it. I feel Atsumu's other arm inch under my other side and wrap around my body.

Once Atsumu is done shifting, a sigh escapes his lips and ends up in my ear. I shudder and my stomach does that same thing it did last night. I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Sorry, I forgot how close your ear was." He whispers. I blush even harder. "Idiot. Telling me that just did the same thing." I say quietly. "Sorry." He whispers into my ear again. 

The tickle of his breath lingers on my ear. "It's fine. I don't mind." I say quietly. "In that case, should I keep talking?" He whispers. I almost whimper. "If you want." I say.

Atsumu doesn't say anything for a little bit. All I hear is his faint breathing in my ear. "Omi-Omi?" The new feeling of breath in my ear accompanied by the old nickname brings the heat back to my cheeks. "Is it okay if I call you that?" He whispers. "I suppose." I say. "Alright, Omi-Omi." He says.

Many minutes pass, and I'm almost about to drift off to sleep. "Omi-Omi, I'm not sure if you're awake or not, but you're really pretty." 


673 words


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