Epilogue || only his touch

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Sakusa's POV

~~~Timeskip to 4 years later~~~

I wake up with the feeling of Tsum-Tsum's arms wrapped around my body. It's been a while since I've felt this happy.

I feel Tsum-Tsum shift in my arms. "You awake?" I ask. "Yeah." he replies. I wrap my arms around him tighter and he does the same. "We should get up, we only have a few more hours until we have to get going." I say.

Tsum-Tsum groans and nuzzles his face deeper into my chest. "No. It's comfy here." He replies, planting a chaste kiss over my heart.

"Yeah? Well it'll be more comfy when we're walking down that aisle, or did you forget that that's happening today?"

 I feel Tsum-Tsum slowly back away, his warmth still lingering on my chest.

"Fine, only because ya begged." He says, planting an chaste kiss on my forehead. I grin as Tsum-Tsum pulls away from the kiss to get ready.


"This is so nerve racking." Osamu says. "Shut yer trap, ya aren't even the one getting married!" Tsum-Tsum says. "Well I have to walk an ugly idiot down the aisle." Osamu says. "We are identical- And I'm the better looking twin anyways~" Tsum-Tsum says. "I have to agree with Tsum-Tsum on that one, sorry." I say. "Whatever." Osamu says, rolling his eyes.

Osamu's walking Tsum-Tsum down the aisle since their parents are homophobic. Tsum-Tsum actually walked Osamu down the aisle when he got married to Suna. My parent's live in another continent and they wanted to make it but they couldn't so Komori's walking me down the aisle.

Tsum-Tsum and I decided we should both walk out the aisle since apparently, 'the girl walks down the aisle at a straight wedding, that means the bottom would have to walk down the aisle at a gay wedding and we're both switches'. He only tops 9/10 times though so that logic is dumb but here we are.

"Shit it's starting!" Komori yelps. "Don't cuss when I'm about to get married married. I sneer sarcastically "My bad cuz." Komori says, also sarcastically, with a sad voice. all four of us giggle. "For real though, we should go." Osamu says.

I still don't like making physical contact with people that aren't Tsum-Tsum, so Komori and I just don't link arms as we walk like most people would. Behind us are Tsum-Tsum and Osamu, following us down the aisle. I can't see them but knowing Tsum-Tsum, he's probably tearing up at how happy he is.

I also know the ring-bearer, Hinata, is behind us, carrying the rings for us, and the flower boy, Kotaurou, is dropping petals behind us.

We finally reach the podium and stand facing each other. I was right, Tsum-Tsum is tearing up. He's also grinning like an idiot, but then again I am too.

The priest then goes on about thanking everyone for coming to celebrate this lovely marriage and all that junk. I'm not paying attention to that though.

We're then told to exchange vows and I get to go first.

"I didn't really know what to write at first. I mean I started to write everything I love about Tsum-Tsum but that would have taken way to long-" I start. The crowd starts "awwww"ing.

"Back to what I was saying, so I wrote about how this completely changed my life-" I start up again, having the audience "awwww" even more.

"So, about 10 years ago, this charismatic guy touched me on the shoulder. That may seem normal for most people but for me, and extreme germaphobe, I was very shocked. Why? Well, I didn't hate it, which I do for, well, literally everyone else. Tsum-Tsum and I started this thing where he came over to my room at the training camp and touched my arm and kissed my neck, just making physical contact y'know? I was surprisingly fine with all of it. At first, I thought it was a step to getting over my germaphobia but I soon realized, I actually was in love with the guy. I'd always planned on getting professional treatment for my germaphobia so one day I could make physical contact with someone. With Tsum-Tsum though, I realized I didn't even want the treatment. I was perfectly fine and am currently perfectly fine with only his touch."

I stop reading and the crowd starts clapping for a few moments. Tsum-Tsum gives me an even wider smile and lets a tear flow down his cheek.

The crowd calms down and Tsum-Tsum sniffles, pulling out his paper with his vows in them.

"It was my first day at training camp when I saw that prickly looking guy standing there. I decided to approach him and at first, he really didn't seem to like me. Soon enough though, he asked for me to come to his room. I was shocked when the person I had my first real crush on asked me to "touch him" as he said, or just make physical contact. Well, we had a lot of ups and downs after that, believe me. I started to feel that my love for him was unrequited so, on the last day of nationals, I did something that hurt us both a lot, which was cut ties with him. Of course, fate was on our side, and we joined the same team, the MSBY Black Jackals, which we still play on so you all know. A whole lot of stuff happened when we saw each other again, including both of us realizing we were still in love with each other. We had another fight too. When we were talking out our disagreement, Omi-Omi told me that he actually still loved me, which in response, I obviously told him I loved him as well. And then after that, we never had another bad fight like that. A bunch more stuff happened after that, like buying our own place, completing the last stage in Omi-Omi's 'germapphobia recovery' if ya know what I mean, and getting engaged on our 4 year anniversary which was last month. I seriously don't think I could have asked for anything better in life, I wouldn't do a single thing since I met him differently. Sakusa Kiyoomi, I love ya so so so so so so so much!" Tsum-Tsum says.

I shouldn't have thought he was weak for tearing up earlier because I am now too...

The priest says some more stuff that I'm not focused on and then I see Hinata come closer to us and open the ring box.

Tsum-Tsum and I take a ring at the same time and as I slip his onto his finger, he slips mine onto my finger.

They fit perfectly.

"Miya Atsumu, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes! I do I do I do I do I do!"

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Well then, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the gr-"

Before the priest can finish his sentence, I've already pulled down my mask and Tsum-Tsum's already planting a passionate chaste kiss on my lips.

I seriously can't have asked to have gone to a better training camp or have joined a better volleyball team. 


1241 words




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