Sixteen: A Proper Date

Start from the beginning

"Wow..." Isabelle breathed as she took in the sight.

"This okay?" Bill said next to her, his smile growing at her reaction.

"It's perfect," Isabelle grinned. "How did you find this place?"

"Dad. He used to bring Mum here all the time when they were dating, said it was her favorite place to just get away for a while," Bill said, taking the basket from her and leading her to a spot in the sand closer to the water.

Bill opened the basket that must have had a charm on it to make it bigger inside and pulled out a large blanket first. He laid the blanket down on the sand carefully before setting the basket down on it so it wouldn't blow away in the breeze as they both sat down.

"Wine?" Bill said as he pulled out a bottle and two glasses.

"Yes, please," Isabelle said, taking the glasses from him so he could open the bottle and pour it. He set down the bottle and she handed him a glass before taking a sip of her own. "I didn't think you were a wine drinker."

"I'm not, really. Only on special occasions," Bill said, drinking his own. "Like getting to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend."

Isabelle blushed lightly. "That does seem to be pretty rare, huh?"

"Iz..." Bill took her hand in his gently, rubbing his thumb along her knuckles. "While I wish I could see you all the time, I would rather this than nothing at all. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

"Really?" Isabelle looked up into his eyes, which were soft and genuine.

Bill nodded. Isabelle smiled softly and pulled him into a kiss, which was enough for Bill to know that she felt the same way. He let go of her hand and used his free arm to pull her into his lap, careful to not spill any wine from their glasses.

They spent the next few hours eating the lunch he had packed for them, with some help from Molly cooking despite him telling her he could handle it, and talking about their respective jobs. Bill told her about the things he had been working on in Egypt and his work friends while Isabelle told him all about Hogwarts and the Triwizard Tournament as they finished their food and the bottle of wine.

Isabelle was still sitting in Bill's lap, her back resting against his chest so they were both able to watch the waves crashing as they talked. Bill's chin rested on her shoulder as she told him about how Fred and George tried to get past the age line and it caused their potion to backfire. She didn't mention any of the suspicious things she had noticed between George and Lee though, knowing it wasn't her place to tell their brother about it. She also told him about how Harry had managed to get picked despite not putting his name in, as well as the other champions.

"Of course Viktor Krum, that seeker, is the champion for Durmstrang," Isabelle said.

"I didn't know he was still in school," Bill said, looking at her while she still watched the ocean.

Isabelle shrugged. "Neither did I. And then for Beauxbatons is this girl named Fleur. She's so pretty, she has Ron completely mesmerized."

Bill chuckled lightly. "Ron falls for any girl that looks in his general direction."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Isabelle laughed. "But she really is beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if she was part veela with the way everyone looks at her and her gorgeous blue eyes and her perfect blonde hair..."

Bill laughed again. "If I didn't know better, I would think it was you that had the crush on her instead of Ron."

Isabelle rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm just good at making observations."

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