CH 31 After Dinner Discussions

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"Rhea... what do- Oh my god, I don't even know what to ask! How do I even word this?!" I paused, mind frantic as I took a deep breath. "What do I do?" I continued, my eyes drooping with hopelessness.

The 12 year old, who was watching me lose my wits end taps her chin, motioning for me to continue with my sentence. Maybe I didn't give enough information, but she was there.

Then again, she's 12 years old.

I sighed in an exasperated manner, "Cornelius is upset with me. No, scratch that, he's furious. I defended Azrael, who... you know, is my mate. Technically, ex-mate..." I ranted, my feelings in a jumbled mess.

Speaking of feelings, I was a total mess myself.

Rhea blinked at me. Her fiddling on her chin stops, as she puts down her book that was in her other hand. Rhea pats the spot beside her on her bed, motioning me to take a seat besides her.

"I have one question..." she whispers, squinting her eyes, "Why are you even asking me about dating? To begin with, why are you asking me, a 12 year old? You do realize I have no experience in this whatsoever?" She asked, cocking a brow.

She may be an ass wipe, but holy nachos. I forgot her age. Talk about her smart ass mouth, she knows a lot for her age.

'Dammit, human. Get yourself together.' Mist growled, still not pleased with me about Azrael.

Then again, she never was pleased with me to begin with.

Sighing, I planted my face into a pillow, growling out my frustration and sadness. My legs were spread out, pressed against the wall. I stared at it, hoping to find answers as I wondered what went wrong.

The child rolled her eyes, "You sigh too much. Try groaning or moaning once in awhile." She suggested.

My head snaps to hers in an instant. Face scrunched up in disgust, "Ew, Rhea. Do you know what moaning is?"

"Yeah, it gives you AIDS."

What. The. Fuck.

"And STI." She adds in quickly.

I blinked multiple times.

"And where did you learn this, CHILD?" I said in a curious tone. I'm rolled over now, laying on belly with my head propped up with my hand.

I hope she knew she was half correct and half wrong. Sexual contact, or transfer of blood can cause them, but moaning and groaning doesn't make you have them.

But I didn't want to tell her since...

You shouldn't tell 12 year olds what happens in the world of porn and when a mommy and daddy loves each other very much, they end up... 'grinding' for fun or for a baby.

To begin with, porn shouldn't even be mentioned to them. Otherwise, they would get curious and search it up themselves.

That would be fucked up.

'Yet... funny as hell.' Mist chirps, laughing.

'Oh, now you're not mad?' I asked her in my head. She only shrugged, retreating to her corner but watching carefully.

Rhea smirks, "The internet. You find the strangest things there. You'll even end up questioning yourself... 'How did I get here? I'm on the wrong side of the internet again.'"

I face plant onto the bed.

Her parents better not deduct this from my paycheck because I did not teach her this!

Shaking my head in disbelief, I gritted out, "Okay, okay. Never mind that! Forget the AIDS or STI information for now. I still have a problem that I need to fix before I lose my boyfriend!"

Rhea only tilted her head, examining me quickly. "I honestly don't understand what you see in Cornelius. He's a total butt and doesn't respect you like he should."

I moved my head to the side, just so I could look at her. "You don't understand what I went through to get where I am, Rhea. I just can't let go of the things I've worked so hard for. I know what's best for me, besides, you just met him. You don't know him like I do."

Then she did and said one of the bizarre things I've ever heard.

She leaned over me and flicked my forehead, scowling, "Girl, I met him today and quite frankly, I'm not impressed. Didn't anyone teach you, "First impressions last a lifetime"?

I rubbed the spot she flicked. This little person can sure flick, the hell?

I shook my head, "Yeah, but for a 12 year old, that can get you in a lot of trouble. Then again, some people say that kids should start focusing on important matters. Once we do, we're criticized that we don't know what we're talking about since we're children."

Rhea pouted, eyes rolling.

"Right! What's up with that?!"

We nod in agreement, falling silent again.

The child then grabs her book and places it in her lap, "Well, we haven't solved the problem with Cornelius... but you haven't said anything about something very important to touch base on."

"And what's that?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Your mate. What will you do about him?"

I paused, not knowing what to say to that. Not because I didn't want to, but because I really didn't know what to do about him.

It's a good question though....

What will I do about Azrael?

Hey everyone! I'm back! (Sorta) Many things have been happening, but with the support of you guys, and family and friends, I've been able to get through things. Thank you for waiting patiently... means a lot. Apologies for being absent for so long. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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