Ebony and Ivory

173 6 14

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Songs/music/phonecalls.

Silver frowned as his gaze into his enemy's eyes. Russell got trapped in another dimension. Why? Why would they separate only him? They should have separated them all, but they only prioritized his friend.

"What's wrong, Jester? Are you out of jokes?"

Silver didn't respond. Fighting wasn't his strongest suit, but he can put up a fight. He was the type who just messed around let others do it for him.

This fight is where his usual style won't work. Messing around meant consequences he'd rather not encounter. Now, what to do? He had the numbers, but the enemy had the surprise.

"Blaire, you're with me, Hercules, Blaire fire support. Icey-hot you stay put and watch." Silver muttered.


"Okay... Ice-burn. Chill out, no need to get a Hot-Head."


Seeing Illya in anguish amused the trickster greatly. Turning back to the enemy, he quickly readies himself. "This should be fun."


Eighth had done and seen many things. However, in his long life, he'd search the cosmos for that thing, and now he found one clue of its whereabouts.

The man still remembers it, the pain, the fear, the despair he had felt upon meeting it. Yet, one feeling stood out until now. Lust, he lusts for its presence, its power, its glow. He wanted all of it for himself, but unfortunately, his allies had the fortune of meeting it as well.

They were afraid of it, foolishness! Such foolishness! Can they not see its beauty!? The destruction it caused was a small price to pay to see it once more.

Seventh ruined everything! Thanks to him, that thing escaped and went into hiding. Not for long though, with this lead, they will find it.

Then he watched Silver charge and swung his cane. Amateur, that swing was easy to read.

The target kept missing until he noticed the plan and quickly blocks. "Nice try." He said. Grabbing his opponent, he throws him into where his back was facing.


As the portal opened Karla grunts as Silver crashes on top of her. Before something grabbed her ankles and slammed into a cargo.

Silver was not happy, scratch that, it pissed him off. But losing his cool won't help. While he lacked battle experience, his power makes up for it.

If he went full power, then he'll win, but the sudden release of energy would erase everything weaker than him. Sending them to another dimension is a good idea, but he knew this guy, won't let it happen. If his concentration gets interrupted, then he'll send them somewhere he can't reach in time.

"Karla, are you okay?"

Instead of answering him, Karla bursts out of the rubble covered in blood with a manic smile.

Silver blinked and shrugged it off, Russell can deal with it. His eyes went back to the enemy. Blaire and Hercules were now fighting in close quarters.

This guy is a leap compared to the last ones. The only question now is how to deal with him.

Karla spots an opening and rushes in a few hits before she went flying once more.

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