BakixKengan part 7

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I don't own any anime, games or movies.

Russell was looking for someone to take on without jeopardizing the entire script.

Suoh was nervous, while she was confident in her fighter's ability, she was worried that she would get in his way.

"Mihono-san, mind stepping back." Russell said as several fighters approached him.

Suoh complied while praying that Russell would win this, but why was she hearing a rock music?

Drowning Pool - Bodies.

Russell ignored the taunts of the other fighters as he quickly rushes to his closest opponent and punches him while kicking another one, everyone could only gape in shock and awe as he took down two fighters in a blink. Not giving them time to recover he rushes again to another fighter performs a lariat before grabbing another one and slams his face to another target.

One tried to put him in a strangle hold but he quickly spins around and delivers a roundhouse kick to the face before grabbing an incoming fist from both sides and used Vector Kata, by redirecting the flow of power back to them, breaking their arms in the process.

Turning around he quickly performs a leg sweep before delfecting another fist and delivered his own punch. When another came while screaming he quickly kicks him away. When he saw the farthest one, he quickly judo throws his attacker towards his target, before running to his target and kicks him on the face. As the last fighter that he threw quickly approaches the ground, he then performs a backfist to his opponent before walking away.

Suoh and everyone could only stare in shock at how fast Russell had dispatched his opponent.

Ohma who saw the entire thing was excited that his friend was now this strong. He knew that he was using Redirection Kata but what his friend just used was something different.

Kazuo couldn't believe someone like Russell existed. However at the same time he was in awe at the display of speed and strength, it was like he was watching a movie except this was real.

Suoh was in complete shock, first was Rihito's fight and now this? Just how strong was Russell really?

Up in the stands many were already betting on Russell after seeing the fight.

"Holy shit! Did you see that!? That guy just took out 15 fighters like their nothing!" One of the spectators yelled in excitement.

"Well I know who I'm betting on this time." Another said.

Ost end

Back in the deck Russell and Suoh went to where Ohma Kaede are. While neither spoke both Ohma and Russell had developed their version of sign language based on eye contact.

Ohma didn't like teaming up, Russell had always made it a contest. Right now his eyes said it. 'Who has taken out the most fighters is the winner.' Ohma couldn't turn away a challenge and answered. 'bring it on.' Russell merely chuckled.

Just as they were about to start attacking again when a familiar voice called out.

"Russell!" Rihito yelled. "I really wanted to see you again!" He said. One of the fighters stopped him but was quickly dispatched in one move.

"His gotten stronger." Russell muttered.

"I'm gonna pay you back." Rihito said before stopping as he spots Kaede and Suoh. "why are there women here?" He asked in confusion. While he wasn't sexist he knew that only men were supposed to be in the arena so seeing two women had confused him.

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