BakixKengan part 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

As soon as Russell started rushing in he quickly leans back and kicks Bando on his abdomen as the convict tried to grab him.

Weirdly the man didn't seem in pain, but Russell didn't stop before delivering a few punches.

Bando grunted as he took the blow to the face, but it barely did any damage to him. His opponent had noticed something was wrong but continued attacking.

Back in the stands, everyone was cheering as they saw the two fighters fight without stopping. Some had a sense of deja vu as the two fought.

Ohma realized Russell wasn't using Niko style, all of his attacks were just regular blows.

The rest of the fighters also knew this and quietly observed the fight.

Doppo, Katsumi, Retsu, and Shibukawa who were watching the fight knew there was something different from the man named Yohei Bando.

Bando didn't even flinch as another punch landed. As he watched his opponent preparing another blow. Bando waited, as soon as Russell struck, he immediately tried grabbing his throat while dodging the punch.

It was only because of his Ultra-Instinct that he could dodge it. Russell quickly went Jet Stream Kata and punched Bando before dashing behind him and grabs the front of his neck with both hands while Russell facing in the opposite direction. He then violently pulls and lifts his opponent's body off the ground, using the neck as a lever.

Unfortunately, Russell had forgotten a simple yet dangerous ability Bando had.

Everyone cheering more, they saw Russell lifted Bando off the ground despite the man being heavier than him.

"Did he win?" Suoh as she watched. Blaire was silent, her sharp eyes allowed her to the fight way better. Karura didn't smile. Because of her training and heritage of being a Kure, she can tell the fight is far from over.

The fighters however realized something wasn't right. Bando wasn't struggling.

Katsumi realized that Bando had. "Russell get out of there now!" He yelled. Doppo, Retsu, and Shibukawa remained silent.

"Impressive you used the moment I was off-balance, a normal fighter would have a hard time escaping this. Unfortunately for you." Bando said before twisting his head to face Russell.

It shocked Russell for his part as he watched the man turn his head that would have broken his neck. "I'm far from normal." He heard him say before the man's arm twisted and grabs his face, making lose his grip before the man slams him to the ground as Bando countered his technique with brute force. Then his mind remembered what made Yohei Bando a formidable opponent.

"I get it now. Your joints, they're too flexible. That's why the government couldn't kill you when they hanged you." Russell said while acting as if he had just now realized his opponent's secret. "140 degrees, if I'm correct."

Bando remained impassive, but it impressed him the young man guessed it correctly and also discover the government's secret.

"Exactly..." He said before twisting his body, scaring everyone. "My flexible joints allow me full range mobility no ordinary human can achieve."

Russell tried to contain his laughter as Jerry and Sayaka were freaked out by what they were seeing.

Joint Flexibility skill: Copied.

Okay, first Hanma and now Bando too? How is he copying stuff unique to the person? His skill with Anomaly and Prodigy had nothing to let him copy it. Removal doesn't count since it's considered a technique. Checking his skill Anomaly, he then spots something new.

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