Special Chapter

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

A/N: This is a chapter containing what Russell's normal life in the Baki and Kengan universe.  Happy Halloween folks. Shall we start?

Niko's training with Russell and Ohma.

"No, no, you're doing it wrong!" Niko said before fixing Russell's posture. "You're supposed to clench your muscles."

"He looks like he's trying to take a dump," Ohma said while practicing his Katas.

"Hey, it's not easy as it looks!" Russell said in frustration even with his skills his body can't keep up with the technique. Russell tries again, but it ends with his farting.

Niko was laughing out loud while holding his sides. "Just admit it, you suck in Adamantine Kata." Ohma taunted while snickering.

"Says the guy who always trips when using Flame Kata. How do you even trip when there's nothing but grass?"

"Okay, that's enough. How about a spar? You two, use everything at your disposal but no maiming."

The two glared at each other before giving a nod to their sensei. Minutes later Russell and Ohma were only on their pants, still glaring at each other. Amused by the two, Niko shakes his head and raises his arms.


Ohma rushes in only for Russell to throw a bag of groceries and tackles Ohma to the ground. The child then pulls his friend's hair and biting his arm. 

The future Asura seethes before punching Russell and chokes him from behind. Russell grabs a can but discards it, instead he grabs a plastic bottle before escaping the hold and begins hitting Ohma with the bottle.

Niko who was watching only laughs at how the two fought, hey they only learned Niko Style three weeks ago. Niko watched as Ohma gives Russell a loogie while the younger student tries to getaway.

Yeah, he's going to enjoy teaching these two.

Why Ohma hates Russell's cooking and tomatoes? Part 1. 

Russell had just finished cooking their meals, but something was missing. It wasn't shiny, where's the flare? He did everything the book said, so where is it!? Maybe he missed something? Nope, he did everything.

"Oh yeah, it needs cheese!" He then sighs before leaving and went to grab something and starts spraying on the meal. 


Ohma and Niko were sitting on a makeshift chair and table waiting for their meal. It's been a while since they had a proper meal, and now it was Russell's turn. They still didn't know why he was against it, but Ohma made it a challenge.

Russell comes out holding a plate of Spaghetti. Except it was glowing with such magnificence. "Okay, here you go, guys." He then hands them their meal. The smell was so good that the two ate it in seconds.

"Oh man, that was... good..." Niko then tumbles down and groans. "Shit, Niko. You alright-" Hearing something falling, he turns and saw Ohma was in the same state as Niko.

"What the hell did you put in our food!?"

"I don't understand I did everything the book said." 

"Just what did you last put?"

"Oh, this one."  Russell then looks down and pales.

"YOU FUCKING PLACED GLITTERS IN OUR FOOD!?" Ohma yelled and tries to strangle Russell but falls back to the floor.

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