We Warned You, Goldie

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

Russell counted once more and was sure that they were missing one servant. "Let's see... we have Assassin, Lancer, Rider, and Saber. I'm Berserker and Silver is Caster... so that means we're missing Archer." Russell thought.

Blaire went towards Rider before poking at her eye mask. "How do you see with those?" She asked while looking for any eye holes. "Is that a problem, Master?" Rider asked.

"No, no, no, I'm just curious, that's all." 

"I see, master though I lack sight, I can just fight as those who have eyes." 

"Are you our mommy?" Assassin asked while approaching Karla. Something about those words tugged the heiress' heart. "Kyaa Kawai!" Karla yelled while glomping at Assassin. Karla blinks, noticing that Lancer and Rider are staring at her husband.

 "Oh right, sorry for not answering. I'm your master, Lancer, Saber."

"Then the contract is complete." Saber said, earning a nod from Russell. 

The young man noted that Lancer was looking at him like he was a lost lover or friend. "Is there something wrong?"

"Nay, though this is the first time I have heard of masters allying this quick. Much more so, a master supporting two servants at the same time." Lancer said. "Tell me, does the name Lousu ring any bells?"

Russell blinked, his brain trying to remember any servant with that name or at least a connection. 

Also, if he's right, then this is Ereshkigal, but he never heard of that unless there's another story in Nasuverse. Where the heck is her DERE side!?

"Maybe I'll see that cute side of her's when I gain her trust." He thought.

Lousu... could it be that's the name of the Gamer of this place? Still, it's strange the Gamer hasn't shown up. Ereshkigal was a well-loved servant if someone stole her then anyone would go ballistic. Remembering that he still hasn't answered her, Russell tries to play it off.

"Nope, don't ring any bells." 

"I see. I suppose I would call you Master?" Lancer said. "However, I've never heard of a servant becoming a master."

"Aha, I'm not a servant or a heroic spirit. I'm very much alive. I'll explain everything later." Russell said. 

Lancer raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but as she looked closer, she noted how good-looking he was. She blushed before shaking her head.

Russell couldn't help but stare at how cute Ereshkigal was trying to rid of her crimson face. "Okay, let's head back." He said.

"But what about Archer?"

Russell was about to answer when his phone rang. Curious, he saw the video chat icon with Silver. Answering the phone, Sakura and Ilya appeared. 

"Hi, Papa/Onii-chan."

"Ey Sakura, Illya, shouldn't you two be in bed?" Russell said in confusion.

"They were until this guy showed up of nowhere and scared the hell out of them," Bright said. 

Russell blinks, noticing something strange. "Why is Silver wearing superman costume...? And is it just the phone or is he ripped?" Bright scratched his head. "About that..."


As Illya and Sakura slept in their room, a bright flash had awakened them. Turning the nearby lamp on. They saw a giant looking at them. 

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