Never mess with the Fool

371 12 17

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.
Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.
Italics - Telepath dialogues

Let's start the story, shall we?

Silver had been enjoying his meal on the lower floor before one server called him, telling him that a group of men in black were looking for him. Curious, he showed himself, only to be surprised when he saw an entire group of gamers. 

"Wow, I didn't know I was this famous." He muttered before approaching the group. "Alright, boys, what ya need? I got a five-star meal waiting for me, you know."

"Relax, Where you're going you won't be worrying about any five-star meals."

"I'll give you a D- for Delivery and an E- for Effort on that lame ass line."  Silver said.

"Yeah, he's right. That line was lame." 

"Bullshit, that line was perfect."

"Psh! That was stupid if you ask me."

"Enough! We can talk about this later after we deal with him... Where did he go!?"


Silver was back into enjoying his meal with delight. Fighting was not on his list for today, he'll deal with them tomorrow or maybe next week.

"I wonder how long it will take them to figure out I already left." He muttered before they obliterated the walls. The group then marched towards him, yet the fool only smiled, amused by their play to look intimidating. "Ten minutes... My, my, slow aren't we?" He said while looking at a stopwatch.

The leader grabs his collar harshly and throws him to a wall. Before he could even recover the leader was onto and bombards him with several magical spells. Yet they were all surprised when their target walked out of it with no sign of injury.

He might be a high-level player or have a hax skill. Whichever it was, it meant bad news for them. "Not bad, but not good either." Silver said while cracking his neck. "Well, I guess it's my turn now." He then picks something from his jacket. 

The group went on guard, only to be surprised when he pulled out a folder. "But first, one a scale of one to ten, how bad does this poor guy look?" Proceeding to give each one a copy, none of them noticed he had summoned a popcorn and took a seat.

When they all opened most of them laughed. It was a picture of SCP-096 as a gamer Shy guy was nothing to be afraid of. With their numbers, they can deal with it in a second. Silver just joined in for the fun.

Then they heard it, a scream, not one or two but hundreds... no, thousands!  They all turned to where it was coming from and to their horror thousands of 096 were heading towards them. The worst part was that they couldn't summon any form of power. It wasn't sealed or blocked, it's just gone. 

Calling the event a massacre would be a wrong way of describing it. It was a slaughter, and even then it's an understatement.

Silver laughed, he wasn't sadistic or anything but he was an incarnation of CHAOS and chaos holds no prejudice. Good or evil, they're all the same. The only person he never messed with completely was Russell, and that's because he's a magnet of entertainment.

What kind of luck involves a street war, a terrorist attack, and a freaking arson in one building!? The best part, he got to see it through his friend's phone. No one could explain just how bizarre the event happened.

 As for why they couldn't use any of their power, Russell's using that again. Having the power to erase fantasy is just an OP power, but a power that has a mind of its own? Yeah, he wouldn't fight that.

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