SCP part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games. In later chapters, I will also introduce a character from my friend; Random_Crusader's story, SCP Multiverse of madness. I have permission to use his character. I'm also publishing my first original; Straight A.

Party, they filled every part of the island with it. Everyone was glorifying the great fight, the new King of Kengan. Okubo remarks how people were celebrating while Gaolong reasons it with Russell's victory.

Metsudo was dancing before being called by Kazuo's assistant and Katahara's spy; Kushida Rin. "So how are they? From their countryman's point of view?" The ex-chairman asked.

Kushida took a moment before starting. "I don't like people from the inside." She said. "I thought those two were self-centered fools heading recklessly to danger without a plan. But Ohma was different. Oh, Himuro too."

"Oho? What about Russell?"

"I believe he's the Butcher..." As soon as they heard the title, all playfulness dissolved.

The Butcher, a well-known vigilante or criminal depending on who was talking, but one thing was certain. The word mercy was never in their vocabulary. Some theorized it was a demon summoned by someone.

All of his victims killed brutally that even the worst killers would run from the sight of their corpses. Hell, there was one victim alive for three weeks without his skin! Another was when they redecorated an entire room of a hotel with the blood and insides of their target and his guards. His M.O. was to kill as brutal as he could like a sport. The only ones who lived were criminals forced by circumstances, blackmailed, or other reasons beyond their control.

"I see..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the area, all Baki fighters liked the feast. Everyone besides Baki and Strydum were laughing. "I can't believe the kid just did that!" Doppo said while trying to get some air.

"He fucking bitch slapped Yujiro fucking Hanma!" Katsumi said. Retsu kept himself from laughing, but everyone knew he was chuckling inside. "Give him credit for that. I highly doubt anyone would have the guts to bitch slap the Ogre after being acknowledged."

Baki was still having a hard time accepting it was Redgrave insane!? No one has ever bitch slapped his father and lived. "Still... you think he will last a whole night?" He asked.

"Ha! If its anything your brother is good at, it's hiding and running away." Shibukawa said. "I still remember when he had to face against Lou," Retsu said. "What did he do?" Katsumi asked. "He... Sigh he calls it 'Ninja' vanish." The Chinese practitioner said while his tone almost like he was dying. "It's like Kiryuu's blink. He runs behind his opponent as soon as they blink and knocks them out with a frying pan or a vase. We're still wondering how he got those things."

"Huh? Hey pops didn't Russell did something like that." Katsumi said. "You mean when he appeared behind Kato and rolled him up with our mat?" Doppo said while trying not to laugh. " I guess I got lucky Russell did nothing." The taijutsu master said with a smile.

"Probably because he's the only one learning under you."

This made Shibukawa laugh hard. It was true, Russell was the only one he took as a student, though it was more like a sparring partner.

"Hey, guys."

Everyone turned and saw Russell walking towards them. "How did you escape the Ogre?" Strydum asked. "Trade secret. So how is it going?"

"Were just enjoying the food and also that was reckless back there," Retsu said while glaring at his junior.

"Didn't stop you from laughing right?" 

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