BakixKengan part 18

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

Not a sound, absolute silence as the two fighters stared at each other. Everyone was excited, looking at the arena.

Meanwhile, the patriarch of each clan was sitting beside each other. Kure Erioh, Mikazuchi Byo, and Inaba Jozaemon, all were studying the battle between Ogre and the Devil lance. The duo gave a visage of a lion and an elephant.

"Are both fighters ready?"

Kuroki Gensai was in his usual stance while looking for an opening, but Yujiro remained the same with his hands still in his pockets while his grin became more demonic.

Up in the stands, Russell was looking at the two combatants. The fight could go either way. Both were skilled in combat. So long as Yujiro doesn't enter the 'Ogre' stage then Kuroki might have a chance in winning, but he doubts that.


Kuroki eyes widen before he dodged Yujiro's incoming fist. Seeing an opening he delivers his attack but Yujiro counters the move. They kept exchanging blows while dodging, to an ordinary person it would look like their attacks were phasing through their bodies.

"Oh god, what are these guys, ghosts!?" Jerry yells in panic while watching the fighters.

"Nope... they're just moving at top speed," Russell said, appearing beside Jerry while holding a bucket of popcorn. Seeing Sayaka and Jerry's face was priceless, more so on Jerry. The man was hilarious whenever he's surprised.

"Where d'you come from!?" They yelled in shock. Russell gave a confused look while eating before pointing his finger towards where Suoh was sitting. "Anyway, focus on the exchange." Russell munches a couple more before looking at the fight. They blinked and looks back to the match.

The match was a stalemate. Not one of them was getting hit. Russell places his popcorn on the table before looking at the commentators.

"Yujiro's 'reacting' to his challenger's attack while Kuroki's 'reading' his foe's 'intent'. I think it's called 'Foresight' or 'Motionless.' Whoever can 'see' and 'react' better is the victor of this standoff. Look, the balance is breaking," Russell said while staring at the fight.

Using kicks in a standstill was plain stupid. If one of them did it will be a finisher or a follow-up otherwise, it leaves them wide open. True to his words, the stalemate was breaking.

Little by little, Yujiro's attacks were getting through Kuroki's defenses. It didn't matter how Kuroki would dodge the hits; the stream of blows was scratching him. While Yujiro remained untouched from Kuroki's punches.

Kuroki grunted, taking punches to his chest and face. The attack stuns the man as he staggers back from the effects. He won't pass up this moment. "DIE!!!" Yujiro yells as he delivers his last punch to his opponent. Many had already fallen to Yujiro's strength and Kuroki was just one more name added to the list.

Then in a surprising turn, Kuroki dodges the blow and strikes Yujiro's shoulder with his devil lance. "There it is, folks!!! The devil lance has landed a hit." Sayaka yells. "What are you planning, Yujiro?" Russell thought while munching on his popcorn before noticing it was empty.

One gremlin appears, and Russell motions to get more popcorn and sodas. The little monster gave a salute before rushing towards the food bin.

Yujiro, barely phased by the attack, grabs the hand in a vice grip. However, Kuroki used this opportunity to deliver another blow that Yujiro dodged. Kuroki then performs an eye poke, which forces Yujiro to let go of his hand and jump back.

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