Special Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Songs/music/phonecalls.

A/N: a special chapter for the people who supported me and this story.

The day Russell almost ruined Christmas.

Christmas a wonderful day where people celebrate, share drinks, meal stories, and presents. Children would do their utmost to be better.

However, there's one fellow who saw Christmas in the opposite light. This fellow was Russell Redgrave.

The beast did his best to block every entrance, chanting, 'he shall not escape my domain.' Swearing to perform unspeakable horrors to those who would dare.

For all his might, Russell had never faced such a powerful foe. Greater than the Ogre. One who keeps showing on one particular holiday.

"This time, he isn't taking me by surprise," Russell muttered while bringing out a shotgun. "I have the Gamer lets see how you deal with me now."

Russell looked around every corner, but still no hint of his nemesis. Relieved, he relaxed and went into his bedroom, and fell asleep.

At the peak of midnight, he started hearing some strange noises in the kitchen. Curious and maybe afraid of what may have entered his abode. He grabbed his baseball bat.

Using his powerful weapons was just overkill. Sneakingly going down the stairs, there he saw a man dressed in Red and white. There was a sack beside him. It was him, his nemesis. The enemy who ruined his day since a child.

Taking a deep breath, he leaps into the air and slams the bat down, and beats the intruder with an inch of their life. Satisfied, he stopped the intruder was barely awake.

He quickly calls the cops after tying his nemesis to a nearby chair. Eyes landing on the sack, it piqued his curiosity. Cautiously he approached, poking it with his bat, no response.

Taking this as a sign, he quickly opens it and finds thousands of presents inside; each had name tags. The beast grits his fangs, ready to unleash hell on the thief but quells his anger.

"Sick bastard, stealing from kids." He muttered.

Finally, the officers arrived, cuffing the man inside their car. Feeling pretty good, he goes back inside only to find the sack gone with his fridge.

The TV turned itself on.

"Hundreds of children are crying in outrage as Santa Claus forgot Christmas. Where is he now? No one knows. In other news, the owner caught a thief. Authorities are now questioning about Santa Claus's whereabouts."

Russell was muttering apologies to everyone. His eyes have lost their light. Realizing what he had just done.

However, he couldn't let this event go. So in Santa's stead, Krampus will play the role of the Hero of Christmas.

After a long night, he was able to finish it along with traumatizing the children with his demon summons. Hey, he can't travel across the entire world yet, but his summon can. He also broke Santa Claus out, and boy, he wasn't happy. But what do you expect when someone enters your home?

So with that Russell saved Christmas, but his name will forever be in Santa's naughty list... for now.

A/N: Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, everybody. Sorry for not updating. I'm still working on the chapter 'Silver vs Eighth' it's hard to write two Gamers going PvP. Not to mention, I'm making my original comic and family problems.

Take care, folks, and have a wonderful new year. Year 2021 Here we come!

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