BakixKengan part 13

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

Suoh and Blaire watched in silence at the scene before them. Suoh had known of Russell dying in the fight, but after him doing a lot of impossible things she believed that he was invincible but reality can be cruel. No matter how strong you become, someone else will always be on top of you. 

"Oi... don't fuck with me... This isn't funny! I refuse to believe this is how you go down. We still got a score to settle so get up and fight!" Ohma yelled.  

"That's  -" The referee was about to stop the match until stopping mid-sentence when he saw Raian glaring at him.

"Finish this game and I'll rip you limb from limb! Got it little piggy!?" Raian said while looking at the defeated form of his opponent. Whenever he let his guard down this guy got up with something that could match him. 

"I have to hand it to you, pal. This is the most fun I've had since we last fought. I mean it. So get up! I'll kill you with everything I got as respect for making this more enjoyable for me."  He said and approached him.

"Russell, get up! Get up!" Blaire said. "Please, I'm begging you, get up!" She said. No matter how short it was, Russell was the first person she had grown fond of.  

"The first time we met I thought I was stupid for trusting a stranger the fate of my father's company but..." Suoh said recalling every match. "You proved me wrong, you showed me there was hope in saving my company. Pulling crazy stunts and come out in one piece and kept on winning, no matter how impossible it was. So please... STAND UP!" Her pleas however were unheard. Despair was upon them.

Russell however was still awake though he lost his hearing he still could tell that Suoh and Blaire were cheering for him. However, his mind was preoccupied with something else. "Shit, this hurts! This is a deep pain." He thought before feeling one of his organs somehow erupting. "Oh, cool, it's getting worse." He muttered in sarcasm. 

 "Well now, I was expecting it to be Ohma, but I was not expecting to see you kid." He heard a familiar voice, one who was already dead. Oh Great, he was now hallucinating, what's next? Yujiro wearing polka dots clothing?

"Hey, that stings, you know," Niko said with a grin. "Though if you're wondering why I'm here, that weird ring of yours somehow acted on its own and took a piece of Tokita Niko's soul. So I'm more a remnant of Tokita Niko."  

 What the hell can his weapons do that he hadn't discovered yet? "If you've been living inside, why haven't you contacted me?" Russell asked. "I tried, but nothing worked until now." Niko immediately took on a serious look. "So you used a dangerous move... what do you call it? Oh yeah, Limitless Demon. You already knew what would happen, and you still did it. For someone who keeps telling a knucklehead not to do dangerous moves your not setting an excellent example." Niko said. 

"Well, hate to disappoint you, but in case you haven't noticed, my attacks are not doing anything!" He said in frustration. "Is that what you think? You moron...  Then why didn't you use your other skills like the first match? You already copied a lot of things, so why aren't you using it?" Niko asked. "If you don't plan using it, why are you even fighting here in the first place?" 

Russell blinked, why did he bother using Limitless Demon when he knew the price. It was powerful, but he knew the power was something he couldn't control yet, but he could direct it to a target. "Stupid, stupid, stupid... You stupid idiot!" He growled to himself. He had every advantage from the very start. He had copied powerful techniques, even those that are unique only to the fighters. While it was not top-notch he still could have won, but no, he wanted to brawl. 

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