BakixKengan part 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, games, or movies.

Three days had passed since Mihono Suoh met the stranger calling himself Russell Redgrave.

If she was honest about him, she was worried if he was just someone who was overconfident and was all talk.

Right now she was heading towards his home. She had no idea why he was living in an abandoned warehouse but she could guess that he preferred silence and privacy.

Stopping her car right in front of the gate, she then left it parked before entering the warehouse.

It was like horror a movie. A character walks into an abandoned building and then discovers it's haunted.

Except she at least knew the ghost. Looking around she could see a working sink, a table, a stove, a fridge, and a sofa.

"How can someone live like this?" She muttered. Before spotting something moving in the darker corner.

"Russell-san is that you?" She said while looking at every dark area. She made a note to make sure that her fighter was moving away from this place. Hell, she might make him stay in her place. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was getting scared of this place.

"Good evening Mihono-san." She heard him. The young woman made a silent eep before turning around.

"Russell-san don't sneak up on me like that." She said earning a laugh from him.

"My bad, my bad won't happen again," Russell said while patting her shoulder.

Her face lit up in red when she realized that Russell had removed his shirt she realized was filled with sweat. "Oh, six-pack..." She muttered before wiping off her drool.

"So when is my first match coming up?" He said while picking up a white shirt and puts it on.

"Tomorrow at 8 pm, my driver will take you to the location," Suoh said with a determined look.

"I see, well better get ready then. Thank you Mihono-san." He said before heading to the fridge. "Want something to eat?" He said while pulling out some spices and meat.

Suoh only nodded as she watched him work, curious about what he was going to cook. A few minutes later she could smell the room being filled with its delicious smell before Russell placed their meal. They're eating roasted steak but how could he make such a plain-looking meal smell so good?

She then saw him chopping the meat into pieces before placing half of it on her plate while the other half on his.

Taking a small bite, Suoh's world shattered as she tried to comprehend how such a meal was made.

For Russell, hearing his employer moan in pleasure definitely surprised him. He had come across a manga shop after meeting up with Suoh. One certain manga was Food Wars: Shougeki no Soma after reading it for a pastime. Then he discovered a hidden feature or he just never really thought about it.


"So that's the end of Vol.1," Russell said while laying down on his sofa. Sighing, he places the book on his face. Hearing the usual ping, he quickly peeks at it.

Do you wish to assimilate this book? (Y/N)

Somewhere out there an almighty being was probably laughing at him. "Don't think of Russell you got a lot of work to do." He muttered while pressing yes.

Then his head felt like it was going to split as it filled his mind with knowledge.

When it was gone he hurries to the sink and vomits. "Oh... It's like someone mixed all the worst drinks into one." He groaned at least he got something. He had gotten the skills on how to cook like a god of food. After cleaning himself up he quickly grabs a book. He had a theory on why he was suddenly feeling pain but he needed to test it.

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