BakixKengan part 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own anime, movies, or form video games.

Nine years had passed since he met Tokita Niko and their mentor's death. Those nine years of training with Ohma, a lot of things happened. The first was him teaching Ohma how to read and write, another was asking Niko if he could create a new form of Niko style which took his mentor by surprise, the next was him being ahead of Ohma since he asked Niko to teach him the secret technique which again surprised his mentor, and finally meeting with Kure Raian, which was supposed to be impossible but it happened.


He was heading back after getting some meal. After a long training with Niko and Ohma by beating someone from the "Inner Circle", he went to a secluded area to make his own Niko style. He even already had their own names: Water stream Kata, Vector Kata, Adamantium Kata.

Suddenly someone bumped into him. He could tell the bastard did it intentionally. "Hey watch... it..." He said before realizing who it was.

Kure Raian was standing there only two steps away with his psychotic grin, except he looked to be at Ohma's age. Guess he was already insane at as a kid.

"Kehehe... What's wrong?  Cat got your tongue?" Raian taunted while never losing his grin.

"What do you want?" Russell asked. He had no clue on why Raian was here and he was not interested in finding out.

"Why do I want? I want  some entertainment!!!" With that Raian struck.

Flashback end

He could still remember the beating he did to Raian, the bastard was damn strong, but they were even since his stats had risen from Niko's training. When Raian pulled off Restriction Removal, that's when all hell broke loose. He had to spam Niko style techniques to the point he had mastered Niko style to a certain degree. Who was he kidding? Raian was so out of his league that his Ultra-instinct developed into Ultra-instinct Omen.

Even the fight ended up being a draw. Raian being too exhausted to continue and Russell being more injured. However, Russell took whatever victory he had, after all beating a Kure to a draw is still an achievement and he learned Restriction Removal.

He changed it so it could for him and combined it with his Ultra-instinct and Prodigy. It still took him months to figure out how he had to do it without messing up and if someone asked him if fighting the devil, well he would just show them this skill.

Limitless (lv.1/3): By combining your skills, you have created a new skill. With this skill, it removes all limiters in your body, thus multiplying your stats by 20.

Yeah, that fight was definitely worth it.

Then after that, the story of Ohma continued, Ohma learned Advance. Niko died from fighting Kiryu's mentor. The only change was that Kiryu was now obsessed with him just as he was with Ohma after using Limitless and beating the guy to the point he feared his name yet completely in awe.

In Kiryu's eyes, Ohma was a god and Russell was the monster of god. The only solace from Russell was that he ripped the man's eye with his bare hand when he told Ohma he was going to wait for him.

Now, why didn't he change any of this? Simple if he changed the history of Ohma then Yamashita Kazuo would never find him and none of the Kengan Asura events would even exist.

Sure, it could still happen, but he couldn't afford it.


Just as Ohma vowed to kill  Kiryu's master, he quickly approached his friend and grabbed his shoulder. "Ohma listen man, I need to say something."

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