BakixKengan part 21

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

DBS - Fierce Battle With a Mighty Foe

Uncertainty was a word too tame for the audience to use. The word Monster was too tame for the two beings they were observing. Unthinkable cannot pair up to what they are experiencing. 

Baki was once again questioning reality itself. How the hell is he going to beat...  To survive with Yujiro if what he is seeing is Yujiro going full on out.  But his brother just proved that he can match Yujiro. 

The fight between demons was very correct. This wasn't a fight between superhumans but monsters in human skin. Creatures of strength and technique. An unstoppable force and an immovable object.

"You consider the referee will come out alive?"

"Are fucking blind!? You saw  what those two just did!" 

"It'll be a miracle if he does."

Both combatants were silent as they peered at one another. "Hey ref, stand still for this one." Russell said. "Or just get out."


With no sign, both fighters rushed towards each other.  Their fists clashed as the two fought with brute strength. The stadium shook from the shock waves as the audience screams. Glasses shattered while the ground where the fighters stood had craters.  

Strike. Parry. Counter. 

Counter. Strike. Parry. 

"It's starting!" Sayaka yelled through the speakers. "The crucial moment of the Kengan Match. Yujiro and Russell, the showdown between these has continued to amaze audiences. Don't miss a moment of this!"

"Neither of them is giving an inch!" Jerry yelled, looking at the fight. 

Russell roars as throws punch which the Ogre dodges, but the force threw a massive gust of wind to the poor referee. The Ogre capitalizes on this and threw his punch, but Russell ducks and counters with the roundhouse. Despite dodging the kick, Yujiro was still grinning.

Their attacks but were destroying the arena. Russell's kick had a tremendous force to form a trench on the wall while the Yujiro's punch obliterates a wall. Not wasting time, Russell uses Ki to push Yujiro with gravity before coming close and delivers a barrage which the Ogre counters with his own.

"What a tremendous battle." Byo said. "If I had a granddaughter, I would have wed her off with this man." Jozaemon hums quietly, considering the idea. Unfortunate he had no grand-daughters.

Erioh remained silent. Deep inside, he was proud of having an in-law like Russell. He still didn't like him, even if he gave his blessings on marrying his granddaughter. Still, the boy keeps giving reasons on why he should take him in.

"His movements are sharper." Rei said. Was the transformation replicable? "His faster and stronger." 

"However, his not getting through Yujiro." Kanoh said. "You need more than that." Kuroki said. 

Russell grunts, forced back from the exchange as he cups his hands. "Is that...?" Retsu muttered  recognizing the move. 

"First  compresses air and light within my palms before releasing it all at once when his target is within range." Russell muttered and dashed toward Yujiro. "Second, add magic and Ki and secure any gaps." He then dashes forward. 

Yujiro grins, wondering what kind of technique his son would use. Delivering an axe kick as the boy get's closer. "Last step, release it all at once..." He opens his hands, releasing a bright light and loud sound. The audience shielded their eyes while Yujiro merely looks at it."And strike!" With that, he delivers a powerful kick. 

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