BakixKengan part 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own anime, movies, or form videogames.

Kure Raian had seen and heard a lot things majority of those he categorized as an 'Entertainment' but the news of the Kengan Annihilation Tournament and being told that he was hired by the Under Mount, Inc. as their affiliated fighter he was ecstatic.

There was no way that he was going to miss this especially when the chance of HIM showing up.

He may have not known his name but Raian was sure he was going to find him one way or another and this tournament was his chance.

He was already suspecting that the one fighting under Suoh Steelworks was the person he was looking for.

He could still remember the first fight they had.


Raian had thrown his first blow but the brat had dodged it at the last moment before grabbing his stretched arm and pulled him in while delivering an elbow uppercut.

However this blow wasn't enough as he immediately grabs his opponent's clothing and slammed him onto a car.

Seeing him in pain, he repeated the act twice before throwing him away. He expected him to play dead but instead he was surprised when the enemy stood back up and sprinted into his abdomen and delivered a powerful jab.

The blow this time made him grunt in pain before he felt his nuts being kicked. However due to his training he wasn't affected much, grabbing the offending leg he then slams his opponent to the ground before slamming him to a wall but was unable to do it as he was kicked right at his face.

The two were evenly matched as Raian outclassed his opponent in strength while his enemy outclassed him in techniques. They kept on exchanging blows before his enemy had a sudden burst of speed enough to appear beside him and punched his right temple.

"I see... All... right..." Raian thought before using Removal. His body then began to change color as he roared. His opponent had a horrified expression, something he took in great pleasure.

Without wasting a second he began to attack, his opponent doing the best he could to survive. The kid would occasionally get a lucky shot on him and was slowly but surely adapting, his blows were more faster and stronger, each strike was more precise than the last.

Grabbing his hair, Raian then slams his face on to a wall repeatedly, each slam producing more cracks.

Unsatisfied from the brutal attack he then proceeded to launch a barrage of punches to his opponent before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the side of the road.

A lot people had taken a good distance from the fight to watch safely while some had ran for their lives.

"C'mon don't just lay there, entertain me!" Raian yelled in joy. Most of his fights ended instantly whenever he used this power, everything ended in a blink yet this kid around his age not only manage to hurt him but was able to keep up.

Russell's Pov

His body was in so much pain, that he wanted nothing more than to lay on the ground and die but he refused, he wasn't going to die here not on the ground.

Ultra-instinct (lv.3/3) Evolving to Ultra-instinct Omen (lv. 1/3)

Skill learned Removal. Warning due to your lack of stats, your body will be under lot of stress. Caution is advised.

Great, he could hear Raian ordering him to get up. He was just too strong, there was no way he could beat him even if his opponent hadn't mastered Removal. How was he going to beat him?

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