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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Songs/music/phonecalls.

Russell sighed in frustration. He didn't know if he should shoot himself or pat himself on the back. Either way, he was a father of three kids. That was impossible! Two of them coming from Suoh and one from a mysterious woman.

Hearing another message icon, he checked it once more and grew furious.

Dear Gamer,

Due to your last PvP battle, the game has undergone a severe repair from your reckless behavior. Combined with the virus, the other Gamer has injected into your system. You will no longer be able to use your Gold-power system. Some skills that are detrimental to your health and survival. Your dungeon, skill-sets, and leveling systems have also changed.

Thank you for the cooperation. Have a nice day.

Russell punched a wall, which surprised the poor guy behind. "Fuck! that guy got me in a checkmate!" Russell yelled.

He won the fight, but he lost the war! He didn't think that the poison would be this severe! He lost way more than he expected. Checking the changes, he first went to his shop, but nothing changed. But it locked some of his weapons. Next were his stats, and the sight surprised him.

Username: Russell Redgrave/ Kaioh Redgrave








Gold: 900, 090

Well, that's not good, not good at all, a lot of his hard-earned effort to the fricking dumpster! Checking his skills, he prayed that some of his skills were still intact. Hey, he can see his level now. Is that good?

Skill Sets:

Observe/ Observe Thousand Imagery


Eternal Arms

KI Manipulation


After checking his skills, saw one important skill was missing. "No..." He whispered, not seeing something approaching through the window. He turned and saw a...wrecking ball?

The ball then smashed right through the glass and into him. Yep, his bad luck was back, and boy, was this going to be a long day.

"My wallet!"

"My car!"

"My ring!"

"My cabbages!"

"Oh, fuck me..." Russell thought.

Say no more.

"Is that Zarbon?"


"Oh god, I miss your bad luck!" Silver yelled while laughing on his back.

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