BakixKengan part 3

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is a fanfic. 

Three years had already passed since he found Ohma. Three years living in a pile of junk.

After discovering how much gold he had, the man hoped that today the day he was finally going to find Niko.

He then heard a moan, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Swinging his sword, a pained yelp echoed. A zombified head was rolling away from him before stopping in front of a pack of zombies or a pack of walkers according to his Observe.

Now how did he end up here? Two years ago when he and Ohma recently stole some cash from a yakuza member.


"Hurry, their gaining on us!" Ohma yelled.

"What does it look like I'm doing for the last five minutes?!" Russell yelled back, completely ignoring the entire gang chasing after them.

Turning to their right, the two stopped when they realized there was a fence.

Russell quickly went towards the fence before facing Ohma and cupped his hands.

"C'mon we don't have much time." He said before Ohma nodded his head and placed his on Russell's hand.

The two could hear that the yakuza members were getting closer, making Ohma climb faster until finally he was on top.

"Okay, now it's your turn," Ohma said before seeing Russell smiling.

Suddenly a soda can hit his forehead, making him lose his grip and fall to the other side.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Ohma yelled. Russell sighed before looking at the Asura.

"Look, you can hit me later but right now we need to split up otherwise they'll just keep following us."

Ohma knew he was right, but the three years of his life made him appreciate his companion.

Ever since he met Russell, the guy had eased their life. Whenever they stole something, the kid always stole more food than him or more distracting when he was the one stealing.

When they had to fight someone from taking their turf, the kid would disappear and reappear behind their attacker or sometimes beat the living shit out of them.

"Tch... fine, but you better not get yourself killed," Ohma said and ran as fast as he could.

Once he was gone Russell turns readying his "Presence Concealment" but then something else happened.

Time froze around him before a tear, in reality, appeared and sucked him in.

When he woke up from it he saw an apocalyptic city. There wasn't a single life.

At first, he thought it sucked him to another dimension only for his menu to open, displaying a message.


This is a special quest. Special quests occur randomly. It can be dungeon, a quick time event, or during the main questline.

Special Quest: I will survive.

Description: Stuck in a zombie apocalypse, you have 40 minutes to slay the zombie king.

Success rewards:

3,000 exp, additional 10 stat points. A new weapon of your choosing, 3 skill points fighting style, and Id dungeon.

Failure: Death or no rewards.

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