Clues and burns

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.
Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.
Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Songs/music/phonecalls.

Kiritsugu massaged his headache. No one knew how this happened, but the government chalked it up to a terrorist attack, but he knew better this was something else, but he couldn't find anything. The church and the clock tower were acting strange, they wouldn't let this kind of event go considering the amount of Od and prana he detected in the air.

Yet they did. The Kischur Zelretch ordered them to stay out of it and focus on hiding. Claiming that these creatures were not human. When the clock tower tried to get more information, the vampire showed them where one world tried the same idea, thinking they can be tamed and harvested.

Whatever they saw, it terrified them to the point they started sending messages to every magus about being in their good graces. The church even ordered their executors to aid these creatures.

Kiritsugu then wonders back into those two strange servants could those two be from the same species. He only hoped Illya was safe, with how spook the clock tower is, his worry grew for his daughter's safety.

His phone rang and the magus killer answered.

"Maiya, what did you find?"

"You were right it's filled with Mana and some strange energy. It's as if some divine spirit fought here."

Kiritsugu frowned, that wasn't good. "What else?"

"From what I can find it looks they were keeping this under wraps, but whatever they were keeping here escaped."

The master of Lion king clicked tongue in annoyance. More questions than answers.

"Though... Saber seems to have noticed something."

"That is..."

"She said the mana in the area belongs to someone who her Knight, Gawain, defeated."

This time surprise took the true master of Saber.


Tokiomi took a deep breath. His servant had thrown a tantrum about trespassers entering his garden. Yet when the attack happened his tone changed, it was more calm and cautious but his words struck Tohsaka patriarch.

It has begun. Those three words made him afraid. What was it? What did it mean? Is there a threat bigger than the other masters? An upcoming apocalypse?

More than that, the clock tower just ordered him to never engage these creatures from other worlds should he ever encounter them.

"Risei, is there any chance we can gain favor from these creatures?"

"Unlikely according to the Wizard Marshall, they only care for themselves, they only form groups when certain situations arise. It's more possible they will steal the Grail should they desire it. Yet Kirei raised an interesting question."

Tokiomi looks at the priest. "My son seems to have noticed these creatures are looking for something other than the Grail. Perhaps someone."

Tokiomi blinks, eyes filled with interest in this knowledge. What could they be looking for? Perhaps his servant knew, but knowing him, it might force him to use one of the command seals. Best save it for later.


Waver wanted to scream this war was getting worse by the day. First Rider, then Archer, then Berserker and Caster. Now this!?

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