BakixKengan part 19

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

"What did he mean by that?" Russell thought redirecting a shot before throwing his own.

"Did he met an original? A fake? Or a reincarnation? Oh God, Buddha, or whatever divine that's out there. Please! Please don't let it be another Gamer!" How the hell is he still alive after meeting him? That guy had a gigantic ego, only the Caster incarnation and Kid Gil were polite or formal.

The fighters crashed, the rest of the warriors noted that that the name is affecting Russell's concentration on the match, but he put it on hold. Ohma tries to deliver an elbow, but he stops it. 

The man grunted when punched on his sides and then an uppercut. The world spun before being smashed to the ground before blocking a kick to his stomach. The impact sends him skidding on the floor before rising again.

Russell returned to the offensive but unprepared for a headbutt to the chin before Ohma grabs him, delivers more attacks with Redirection + Water Kata = Swimming Swallow.

Russell counters this with Vibranium and kicks the Asura aside, exchanging blows a few more times before stopping.

"Hehehehe... This isn't you moron." Ohma said while wiping off the blood. "What's the matter? Scared to lose."                                                                                                        

Russell rose an eyebrow before grinning. "Heck, no! I'm wondering how I'll rearrange your face when I'm done." He taunted before popping his knuckles and goes to a fighting stance. 

"Big words, but care to back it up?" Ohma asked before rushing with vigor. Adamantine Kata + Fire Kata = Flashing Steel Smash.

Russell roars before charging. Adamantium Kata + Flashbang Kata = Raging Iron.        

The audience gaped in wonderment at the insane rush being displayed. "Fast..." Suoh whispered in admiration. "Both of them are quick."  Elaine nods in agreement. 

"Blaire..." Karla called. "Yeah, I saw it." The magical Cat replied. If she's correct, the enemy is speed while her companion is strength. Both had benefits and flaws. Blaire and the combatants can see the duo trained not to rely on their specialties. 

The two collided as their fist struck, sending the Asura away while the Beast a step backward. "Crap! A second later, but..." Russell realized, his eyes not leaving his opponent.  "My body is more durable than his!" With that, he plants his feet before blasting off again.

"He's making his way in!" Sayaka yelled. 

"OHMA-SAN!!!" Kazuo yells in worry.

It felt hours as Russell gets nearer to Ohma, and once he was a close, Russell noticed something wasn't good. As his attack approaches, Ohma at once places his palm on it and redirects the move.

"Oh... Shit!!!" He murmured before crossing arms as an incoming punch. 


Everyone flinched as the fighter went flying. "Damn it..." Ohma growled as he charges in with Fire + Redirection Kata = Flickering flame. Russell groaned before noticing a slight bruise on his arm. "Not bad..." He muttered before getting up and headbutts his friend before slamming to a wall. "Nice try but Zig-zag patterns are my specialty." He said.

Ohma grunted from the blow before elbowing his friend in the face before giving him a taste of his own medicine.  Russell predicted this and was fast enough to use the wall as a foothold and traps Ohma by pinning one arm by his head with one's legs and the other arm with Russell's hands.

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