Gamers and Mods

453 14 23

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games. 
Bold - Techniques/Items/Skills/Weapons/Demon Mode / Events/ Organizations.
Italics - Telepath dialogues
A/N: A quick warning some part of the chapters has some dark scenes. I have warned you if it's not dark then fine.

Deep below Fuyuki City, underneath the ignorant mass, the ignorant masters of the war. A group of men wearing a hooded cloak sat waiting patiently as their two leaders went to a secluded area.

"Did you set up the barrier, thirteenth?" The taller one asked.

"Yup, I even placed ten more just in case some of our daring toys get any funny ideas. So call them already Eighth." Thirteenth said.

"Start call sequence. ID number. 10037CEEae6." Eighth said out loud. Thirteenth sighs while shaking his head. "We need a better way to call." He said. "But I guess that the benefit of having complicated passwords."

Holographic figures began appearing. Finally, twelve of them were staring at the two.

"Damn it, Eighth! I was about to score a whole damn pot!"

"Sorry Third." Thirteenth said.

"Ey, Thirteenth, Eighth, how's it been? We haven't chat for a while now."

"Hello Fourth."

"You better have a good reason on why you called everyone?"

"Relax, Ninth. I'm sure Thirteenth and Eighth have a good reason."

"Shut up Sixth, I wasn't talking to you." Ninth growled.

"Geez, you're rude and dumb as ever, Ninth and you wonder why I dumped you for Second even his dog is smarter than you."

"Ooh, burn! Somebody get this guy a Senzu bean." Fourth yells while laughing before looking at another holographic figure. "You didn't tell me you were dating Tenth, Second. Ooh, Can I be the uncle!?"

Second shakes his head. "No way in hell, Fourth." He said before seeing a hologram patting his back. "Congrats dude."

"Thanks, Eleventh. Also, Twelfth, here's that item you asked." Second then hands something to Twelfth. "Thanks, dude. Wait, where's First?" She asked. "Fifth, where is he?"

"Oh, he's over there." Fifth said while she points to a corner.

All eyes then turned to it and saw First there, silently watching something that creeped the entire group out.

"Are you guys done?" Everyone nodded. "Good, Thirteenth why did Eighth called us?"

"He said he found a lead." Thirteenth answered. "It's complicated. Eighth has a better idea cause I'm sure it's not a lead."

"Whoa, whoa, Eighth, are you serious, bro? All of us have been looking for a lead and we found nothing. Even First couldn't find it, and this motherfucker saw it before it left."

Eighth then taps something on his screen. "I'm positive." a holographic image of Russell then appears. 

"Bitch doesn't look tough." Ninth muttered.

"Ignoring Ninth, why are you showing us this young man?" Second said. "Look closer. I'm sure you'll find my reason."

The group did so, and the first to react was Twelfth. "Broccoli Mahogany." She muttered, earning stares from the group. "No freaking way... Those are..." Second paled while Third was hyperventilating. Fourth drops his jaws while his eyes roll out of his mouth. Fifth frowned and adjusted his glass. Sixth blinks before muttering 'Not good' repeatedly. Ninth bravado vanished, replaced with envy. Tenth was smiling with lust while Eleventh sighs before starting to check his weapons.

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