Fate part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or games.

Russell was checking his weapons, and so far everything was fine. Looking at Karla and Blaire, he notes that they seem to be busy checking their stats. Deciding to do the same, he summons his stats sheet.

Username: Russell Redgrave/ Kaioh Redgrave

Str: 1530
Int: 1550
Wis: 1500
Dex: 1720
End: 1720
STMN: 1800
Gold: 50, 489, 990

Skill Sets:
Emotion Suppression
Observe/ Observe Thousand Imagery
GPI (lv. MAX)
Prowler (lv.1/3)
Star (lv.2/3)
Pandora (Lv. MAX)
Anomaly (lv. MAX)
Golden Rule (lv.2/3)
Tricks (lv. MAX)
Absolute Zero (lv.2/3)
Eternal Arms (lv. MAX)
KI Manipulation (lv.2/3)
Niko style (lv. MAX)
Sorcerer (Lv.1/3)

Core: SCP 682-R


Lord Pandemonium
Description: Your actions have caused tremendous chaos to the world and have deemed you a threat to order. Gather your armies and fear the dark, for the Lord of Pandemonium shall carve his mark. Increases the amount of your summons and dark based attacks and defenses. Warning this title will alert any cosmic beings of your existence.

The Rebel
Description: It takes balls to bitch slap a king. You have gained resistance to gamers and beings with higher authorities granting you free rein over your actions. Additional damages to the major characters and Gamers. Warning any beings with an influential position will display hostility upon seeing you.

The beast read each title and only wondered if he could steal Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon now with those. He was also wary of the Gamer in this world. Why did he or she blocked off the world from the rest? He could understand if it was to keep herself safe, but it made them a bigger target.

Then they started hearing a faint voice. It was from a little girl. When they found the source, just watching it send them over the edge.

A girl no older than five or six. She had purple hair and dull eyes. She was devoid of any emotion, yet somewhere beneath those empty eyes, there was still a hint of hope. The horrible thing was that millions of worms were digging their way into her.

"Oh god..." Beauty/166 said in horror while watching made way into the child's womb. Bright had covered his siblings' vision while the doctor had a dark look. Blaire had her mouth open and Karla was at the edge of activating her Removal.

However, the biggest reaction was from Russell and Silver. Silver had lost his mischievous aura while Russell's Limitless Demon was flickering on and off. Russell knew Sakura's past was dark, but he never thought it was this bad. Silver had only had a rundown about the girl, but seeing this, he was going to erase the son-of-a-bitch!

"Russell..." Silver called, earning a look from his friend. "We're saving this kid." The immortal said. The beast nods as the group noticed something heading towards them.

"Who are they?" Bright said readying his chainsaw cannon courtesy of Silver.

"Counter guardians, looks like Alaya doesn't want us meddling," Russell said, summoning his weapons. "Get ready."

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