Reader x Law Stolen Heart Pt 2

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Kinda spoilers for the Dressrosa arc 

Y/n arrived home on the island Dressrosa the towns people greeted her as she walked towards the castle to deliver the money. "Welcome back Y/n!" Trebol said with a loud sniff she nodded at him before continuing up the stairs hiding her hands in her pockets. Y/n stopped in front of his door knocking. "come in" his voice came from behind the door y/n pushed opened the large doors seeing Doflamingo sitting on her windowsill watching the people below. "the people love you y/n" he said turning to look at her as she walked towards his desk setting the bag full of Beli on his desk. 

"Why don't you become my queen?" he asked a smirk pulling onto his lips. "Because I have no desire to rule let alone be yours" she stated. Looking up at him her body began to move on it's own pulling her towards him. Once she stood in front of him his fingers gripped her chin "even after I gave you such a great gift? fufufu" Doflamingo laughed. She didn't dare to let her expression change watching him carefully. "you did get a chance to see him again didn't you" Doflamingo said already knowing the answer she scowled and he let go of her. "Don't worry y/n the next time you see him he'll be dead fufufu" Doflamingo laughed. 

2 years and some months later

Y/n had given Law a piece of her vivre card in order to get to Dressrosa easily. She currently sat at the coliseum with Diamante keeping an eye on everything. A few of the contestants were doing quite well she wasn't sure who was going to win the tournament. She watched a particular contestant rather close recognizing them. Ask the rounds progressed y/n noticed the contestant she had been watching had changed slightly, their appearance and attack style.

A commotion in the city caught her attention "I'm going to find out what's going on" Y/n told Diamante before leaving. "We're under attack!" Trebol's voice came from the miniature transponder snail she had tucked into her jacket. "I'm on my way" Y/n responded quickly arriving at the scene she saw Law standing on the roof ahead of Doflamingo who grinned evilly. "My dearest y/n come to join the party have you?" he asked. "Kill him" Y/n's heart began to pound against her chest upon hearing those words. When she didn't move Doflamingo frowned moving his hands her body began to move on it's own picking up a sword from nearby her body trebled. "Law" her voice came out shaky but somehow still soft "Kill me" she said. This surprised everyone a small smile pulled at her lips before law struck her chest with his sword. 

Y/n's body fell to the ground with a loud thud Doflamingo laughed "I never would have though you'd kill her!" he exclaimed standing up he walked towards Law easily over powering him his arm detached from his body and thrown to the side. Suddenly the ground began to shake sections of the building they stood on began to move and easily threw Doflamingo. Y/n slowly sat up rushing to Law's side she stood next to him protectively. "You need to get out of here" Law shouted "I'm not letting you leave me again!" she shouted in response. "that was a dirty trick y/n" Doflamingo said. Her palms touched the ground and it quickly began to move again "You need to get out of here Law I'll keep him distracted" Just as those words left her lips she heard a loud crash she was quickly thrown to the ground. Doflamingo's foot pressed against her throat "I always knew you would betray me" he said. His voice almost sounded sad as he pressed harder against his neck.

"No!" Law shouted "hm? you want to die first?" he asked Doflamingo pulled out a gun shooting Law in the chest. Y/n stared in horror seeing his lay there lifeless "dirty rat!" Doflamingo spat about to stomp on his out of frustration when someone else stepped in. Y/n moved quickly to Law's side feeling tears slip from her eyes holding him close to her. Suddenly the two were somewhere else. "Wha-" Law's lips turned up into a smirk "Law!" she exclaimed hugging him tighter. "ow" was all he said and she quickly let him go looking down at him.

Once Doflamingo was defeated and Law's arm reattached by a helpful friend. Y/n walked with him to see Luffy and his crew. "Oh! Is this the girl you were talking about?" a guy with a long nose asked Law didn't reply as Y/n smiled "I'm Y/n pleased to meet you" she said holding her hand out "I'm Usopp" he said shaking her hand. Y/n sat with Law on the ship "Can I have my heart back?" she asked. He pulled a heart from his jacket pressing it back into the square hole in her chest. "Law?" he hummed in response "can I give you my heart?" she asked "what?
 he looked up at her seeing she was holding out her half of the pendant. 

Law chuckled pulling his out "I'll trade you for mine" he said taking her hand in his and pulling her into a surprise kiss. Y/n's face flushed red he pulled away smirking at her expression "your mine now" he said. Y/n smiled "right back atcha" she winked. "Come on you two get a room!" Zoro called from across the deck. Y/n cuddled against Law's chest the two falling asleep peacefully until Luffy woke them up. 

The End

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